


戰鬥民族網紅瘋「惡魔嘴唇」 整形醫生看到傻眼:先不要

NOWnews 今日新聞

更新於 2019年12月10日09:38 • 發布於 2019年12月10日09:35 • 國際中心林孝萱 / 綜合報導

美國名媛家族卡戴珊(Kardashian )的成員,22 歲的凱莉.詹娜( Kylie Jenner )舉手投足都成為青少年模仿的對象,雖然她日前已經承認將嘴唇內的填充物拿出,但她所帶來的影響似乎並未消減,俄羅斯網紅近日更近一步發展出造型奇特的「惡魔嘴唇」。

造型奇特的「惡魔嘴唇」又稱為「章魚嘴唇」,是俄羅斯社群網站近日瘋傳的「唇形」。Instagram 上的網路紅人透過在嘴唇注射填充物,讓嘴唇呈現波浪的形狀。剛開始,網路上的評論大多認為這樣的造型非常詭異,然而隨著越來越多人跟風,評論漸漸轉向認為這樣的嘴唇「很火」。


護理品牌多芬(Dove )創辦人尼蘭福爾摩斯(Nilam Holmes )看到網路上瘋傳的惡魔嘴唇照片後,透過個人Instagram 發文呼籲年輕女性千萬不要輕易嘗試嘴唇填充手術。她說道「這真的太瘋狂了,我可以隨便想出20 個你不該做這種手術的理由」。



▲俄羅斯社交平台上出現許多奇怪的「惡魔嘴唇」照,外界擔憂青少年可能為了模仿而前去整形。(圖/翻攝自網路/Instagram )


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


This trend is WRONG on all levels .. devil lips!? It looks unnatural and ridiculous. The clue is in the title really .. it is unnecessary disfigurement! Wether it is tattooing and/or filler .. it looks terrible. I thought it was photoshop and a joke for Halloween when I first saw it but apparently not. ??‍♀️ Please don’t be naive and follow silly trends like this. You will not be able to reverse it easily and go back to your natural lips if at all. Your lip border will be distorted and it won’t wear off evenly so you will have frilly lips for years to come. There are 20 more reasons I can think of. No one should encourage clients or teach this to practitioners and enable them to disfigure someone elses face deliberately. It’s not make up you can’t wipe it off. I have never even seen an Mua create devil shaped lips from make up unless it was perhaps for an editorial piece. I mean who would even be willing to try it? Was it founded by someone accidentally messing up someone’s lips? I don’t understand where it even comes from? This is really one of the worst aesthetic/cosmetic procedures I’ve ever seen ? #devillips #wrong

Nilam Holmes(@nilamholmes)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 12月 月 2 日 下午 3:22 張貼

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