




更新於 2019年10月17日10:57 • 發布於 2019年10月16日15:54 • Travis Travie


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It is our great pleasure to join you here this evening on our first official visit to Pakistan. I would like to begin by saying bahut shukria to you all for making us so welcome in your country. Stood here with this magnificent monument behind me, I am struck by the great strides Pakistan has made since its birth seventy-two years ago. The view from this hill would have been quite different when my grandmother, The Queen, first visited over half a century ago. Looking out, one would have seen the beginnings of a city under construction, yet to become the great capital that it is today. And with successive visits by my mother and my father, this view has continued to change, with the city constantly growing and with it my family’s affection for Pakistan. Take a look at our Stories📱to see more from The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s first full day of their visit to Pakistan.

Kensington Palace(@kensingtonroyal)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 10月 月 15 日 下午 1:46 張貼

凱特王妃細心地選擇了以巴基斯坦國旗色彩為主的亮片禮服搭配著Jimmy Choo涼鞋,這套鑲滿亮片的禮服來自英國設計師 Jenny Packham精心打造。有趣地是,威廉王子這次也選擇巴基斯坦傳統禮服表示尊重,以青綠色的謝爾瓦尼Sherwani現身。一般來說威廉王子出訪公開場合的服裝比較少被討論,不過這次兩人的選擇再次展現英國皇室超高的穿衣品味,這晚宴上的服裝選擇既時髦,又不失莊重,簡直是完美。

除了一下飛機,凱特王妃一身冰藍色漸層色的改良Shalwar Kameez服裝,致敬黛安娜王妃曾經在1996年出訪巴基斯坦時的造型之外,第二天的參訪興都庫什山脈親眼目睹融冰過程的行程時,凱特王妃再次向戴安娜王妃1991年訪問巴基斯坦時所穿著的風格致敬。凱特王妃一條奶油圍巾和一件白大衣,局部繡花是代表巴基斯坦森林的綠色和柔和大地色調交錯的圖騰,搭配著Really Wild多功能背心和靴子,完美這套戶外活動中的最佳選擇。當然也包括了當年黛安娜王妃穿戴,位於巴基斯坦境內喜馬拉雅山麓下的傳統吉德拉爾帽子。

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