


UNDERCOVER 2021春夏系列:高橋盾首次在家中設計


更新於 2020年07月14日08:34 • 發布於 2020年07月14日08:32

疫症對於全球造成重大影響,高橋盾主理的日本時尚品牌UNDERCOVER 早前曾因為東京政府的政策而關閉東京所有UNDERCOVER商店。當時就連原定推出UNDERCOVER X WILL SWEENEY X MEDICOM TOY的聯名系列將暫時擱置,時裝迷一直苦等設計師新季系列公開,終於UNDERCOVER 在官方社交媒體上傳最新2021 春夏系列,靈感竟然與當下的疫情有所呼應?



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#UNDERCOVER 2021 Spring/Summer Men’s Collection entitled “2020” View the looks in 3D at undercoverism.com In March, as COVID-19 first began to unleash its fury, I began to develop my ideas and theme, with all of the designs being completed in April during a nationwide lockdown. During this time, I really began to get a sense that my views towards work, doubts about the structure of daily life, and society as a whole, were experiencing major changes. The situation still has not resolved itself and many challenging days lie ahead, but these shifts are undoubtedly something that everyone is experiencing. Despite this collection being the first that I have designed from home and despite the difficult times, with a slight uncertainty I continued to work in my usual style and was able to create something completely separate from all of the changes occurring within myself. Even with the transformations taking place, is that not good? This is the result of continuing to design in my own unique way. I feel that these changes taking place within myself and society should be accepted and viewed as a positive outcome. I cannot return to the life I had before. I must continue to push forward down the path that is unique for UNDERCOVER. Make a new life. Make new noise. Jun Takahashi “2020” コロナウィルスが猛威を振るい始めた3月、テーマ、アイデア出しからスタートし、4月の自粛期間中全てのデザインを自宅で行いました。自粛によって日々変わっていく世の中の流れ、今までの生活様式への疑問や仕事への向き合い方を含め様々な事柄に対しての大きな考え方の変化を実感し、この自粛期間を過ごしました。未だ収束の道は見えず大変な日々は続きますが、皆様も同じように大きな変化を実感していることと思います。そんな中初めて自宅でデザインした今回のコレクションですが、あやふやな頭のまま今まで通りの思考で作業を進めていたため、自分の中の変化とは全く別のものに仕上がりました。大きな変化の過程故、それはそれで良いのでは?と自分なりのデザインを進めた結果です。ですが今後は世の中や自分に起きた大きな変化をポジティブに捉え、元の生活に戻ることなくUNDERCOVERらしい独自の道を突き進もうと考えています。新たな生活のスタート、新たなノイズを出していこうと思います。 高橋盾 #アンダーカバー Produced by @undercover_production

UNDERCOVER(@undercover_lab)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 13 日 上午 1:59 張貼


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


#UNDERCOVER 2021 Spring/Summer Men’s Collection entitled “2020” View the looks in 3D at undercoverism.com In March, as COVID-19 first began to unleash its fury, I began to develop my ideas and theme, with all of the designs being completed in April during a nationwide lockdown. During this time, I really began to get a sense that my views towards work, doubts about the structure of daily life, and society as a whole, were experiencing major changes. The situation still has not resolved itself and many challenging days lie ahead, but these shifts are undoubtedly something that everyone is experiencing. Despite this collection being the first that I have designed from home and despite the difficult times, with a slight uncertainty I continued to work in my usual style and was able to create something completely separate from all of the changes occurring within myself. Even with the transformations taking place, is that not good? This is the result of continuing to design in my own unique way. I feel that these changes taking place within myself and society should be accepted and viewed as a positive outcome. I cannot return to the life I had before. I must continue to push forward down the path that is unique for UNDERCOVER. Make a new life. Make new noise. Jun Takahashi “2020” コロナウィルスが猛威を振るい始めた3月、テーマ、アイデア出しからスタートし、4月の自粛期間中全てのデザインを自宅で行いました。自粛によって日々変わっていく世の中の流れ、今までの生活様式への疑問や仕事への向き合い方を含め様々な事柄に対しての大きな考え方の変化を実感し、この自粛期間を過ごしました。未だ収束の道は見えず大変な日々は続きますが、皆様も同じように大きな変化を実感していることと思います。そんな中初めて自宅でデザインした今回のコレクションですが、あやふやな頭のまま今まで通りの思考で作業を進めていたため、自分の中の変化とは全く別のものに仕上がりました。大きな変化の過程故、それはそれで良いのでは?と自分なりのデザインを進めた結果です。ですが今後は世の中や自分に起きた大きな変化をポジティブに捉え、元の生活に戻ることなくUNDERCOVERらしい独自の道を突き進もうと考えています。新たな生活のスタート、新たなノイズを出していこうと思います。 高橋盾 #アンダーカバー Produced by @undercover_production

UNDERCOVER(@undercover_lab)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 13 日 上午 2:00 張貼

今次作為高橋盾首個在家中設計的春夏系列,仍然能看到設計師的細膩及與時俱進的適應能力。他把艱難的時期視為設計靈感,按照UNDERCOVER慣常的風格作出調整。「MAKE A NEW LIFE. MAKE NEW NOISE.」如今正值日本疫情關鍵時刻,相信業界將有更多品牌在門市業務或衛生情況受影響,艱難時刻更需要攜手渡過難關。居家期間時裝迷不妨到UNDERCOVER 社交媒體留意最新系列吧!

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