


Netflix 2019秋季片單推薦:金獎影帝影后超豪華卡司 這10部必追!|Vogue雙語讀時尚


更新於 2019年09月06日02:46 • 發布於 2019年09月06日02:46 • Vav Lin

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 今年的Netflix原創劇集成功締造熱門話題如《性愛自修室》、《俄羅斯娃娃:派對迴旋》,不過串流影劇龍頭可是為了年末留了不少精彩好戲。《王冠》時隔兩年重新回歸、黑色喜劇《大政治家》代出萊恩·墨菲Ryan Murphy影劇之王的傳奇、在馬丁·史柯西斯Martin Scorsese的犯罪電影《愛爾蘭人》中,欣賞勞勃·狄尼洛Robert De Niro、艾爾·帕西諾Al Pacino同台較勁。Vogue為你精選十部電影劇集,讓你的秋冬不無聊。

This year’s Netflix originals have been some of the buzziest to date (Sex Education, Russian Doll), but the streaming giant has saved its best releases for the final few months of the year. The Crown returns after a two-year hiatus, black comedy The Politician marks the start of Ryan Murphy’s multi-season saga and Martin Scorsese’s crime drama The Irishman reunites Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. Here, Vogue picks the 10 films and TV shows worth cancelling plans for.

1. 《難,置信》Unbelievable (9月13日)

繼艾娃·杜韋奈Ava DuVernay執導的《別人眼中的我們》大舉成功之後,Netflix再度改編另一起真實犯罪案件揭示當代偏見。《難,置信》描述一位被強姦的受害者(凱特·琳黛佛Kaitlyn Dever飾)的故事遭警方質疑,並在數日後撤回;同時,兩位警探(東妮·克莉蒂Toni Collette 及梅里特・維沃Merritt Wever飾)正在調查一連串互相關聯的攻擊事件,並得出了驚人的結果。本片依據2016年普立茲獎得主ProPublica上的文章《An Unbelievable Story of Rape》改編,對創傷、羞恥和公眾判斷進行了細緻入微的審視

Unbelievable (13 September)
Following the success of Ava DuVernay’s When They See Us, Netflix has adapted another true crime tale that sheds light on contemporary prejudices. Unbelievable depicts a rape victim (Kaitlyn Dever) who has her story doubted by the police, only to recant it days later. Meanwhile, two detectives (Toni Collette and Merritt Wever) are investigating a string of connected attacks that lead them to a surprising conclusion. Based on the 2016 Pulitzer Prize-winning ProPublica article called An Unbelievable Story of Rape, the mini-series is a nuanced examination of trauma, shame and public judgement.


2. 《大政治家》The Politician (9月27日)

去年,Netflix簽下了電視劇史上最大的製片人合約,據報導,Netflix斥資3億美元,將《歡樂合唱團》、《美國恐怖故事》和《美國犯罪故事》的製片人萊恩·墨菲Ryan Murphy拉攏至平台。他的第一部網路影劇會是什麼呢?答案就是由班·普拉特Ben Platt飾演的一名享有特權的高中生在政治上的崛起。露西·波因頓Lucy Boynton是他競選班長的競爭對手,葛妮絲·派特洛Gwyneth Paltrow 飾演他魅力十足的母親。這部劇展現了現代美國的裙帶關係和野心。《大政治家》預計將會是五季中的第一季,這一季將會講述普拉特一路從學生會到總統的角色故事。

The Politician (27 September)
Last year, Netflix lured prolific showrunner Ryan Murphy — the man behind Glee, American Horror Story and American Crime Story — to its platform with the biggest producer contract in TV history, reportedly worth $300 million. His first project for the network? A satirical romp that charts the political rise of a privileged highschooler played by Ben Platt. With Lucy Boynton as his rival for class president and Gwyneth Paltrow as his glamorous mother, the show navigates nepotism and ambition in modern America. It’s expected to be the first of five seasons, which will follow Platt’s character from student government all the way to the presidency.


3. 《洗鈔事務所》The Laundromat (10月18日)
這部電影改編自巴拿馬文件(Panama Papers)醜聞,精采程度媲美《瞞天過海》以及《大賣空》。這部史蒂芬·索德伯格Steven Soderbergh執導的黑色喜劇由梅莉·史翠普Meryl Streep飾演一個虛構女角,她被騙走了一大筆錢。在追查罪犯的過程中,她發現了由Jürgen Mossack (蓋瑞·歐德曼Gary Oldman飾)和Ramón Fonseca (安東尼奧·班德拉斯Antonio Banderas飾)帶頭利用世界金融體系的律師團隊。隨著劇情抽絲剝繭,他們的交易從中國快速蔓延至墨西哥、美國和加勒比地區,他們犯罪的真實規模逐漸顯露於世。

The Laundromat (18 October)
An irreverent dramatisation of the Panama Papers scandal that is part Ocean’s Eleven, part The Big Short? That’s the blueprint for Steven Soderbergh’s dark comedy starring Meryl Streep as a fictitious woman who is conned out of a large sum of money. While tracking down the perpetrators, she uncovers a network of lawyers led by Jürgen Mossack (Gary Oldman) and Ramón Fonseca (Antonio Banderas) who are exploiting the world’s financial system. As the narrative zips from China to Mexico, the US and the Caribbean, the true scale of their crimes becomes apparent.

4. 《我叫多麥特》Dolemite Is My Name (10月25日)
在克雷格·布魯爾Craig Brewer執導的怪誕傳記片中,艾迪·墨菲Eddie Murphy飾演現實生活中的喜劇演員Rudy Ray Moore。在被好萊塢拒之門外後,Moore將自己重新塑造成一個名叫多麥特(Dolemite)的人。多麥特是一個淫穢的、功夫武打的化身,他在1970年代的黑人剝削電影中成為了一個傳奇人物。演員陣容包括克里斯·洛克Chris Rock和史努比狗狗Snoop Dogg,但墨菲才是劇中真正畫龍點睛之筆,他睽違已久的回歸已經引起了奪獎熱議。同時也別忘了留意片中的華麗時尚—天鵝絨運動外套和褶邊襯衫是由奧斯卡最佳服裝設計師Ruth E Carter所設計。

Dolemite Is My Name (25 October)
Eddie Murphy is real-life comedian Rudy Ray Moore in Craig Brewer’s wacky biopic. After being shut out of Hollywood, Moore reinvents himself as Dolemite, an obscene, kung-fu fighting alter ego who becomes a legend in the Blaxploitation films of the 1970s. The cast includes Chris Rock and Snoop Dogg, but Murphy is the main attraction, revelling in a long-overdue comeback that is already generating awards buzz. Look out for the flamboyant fashion, too — the velvet blazers and ruffled shirts come courtesy of Black Panther’s Oscar-winning costume designer Ruth E Carter.


5. 《國王》The King (11月1日)
羅伯·派汀森Robert Pattinson飾演法國王儲,莉莉·蘿絲·戴普Lily-Rose Depp飾演瓦盧瓦王朝的美麗Catherine公主,提摩西·柴勒梅德Timothée Chalamet在大衛·米奇歐David Michôd執導的莎士比亞史詩巨作《亨利五世》中飾演厭戰的亨利五世。這部電影描述國王從年輕的王子到不情願成為國王的旅程,他為戰爭做準備,並向他最信任的顧問—年邁的騎士Sir John Falstaff (喬·艾格頓Joel Edgerton飾)尋求建議。艾格頓還與米奇歐共同撰寫了劇本,將殘酷的場景和政治陰謀編織在一起,創造出一種君權風範的中世紀戲劇。

The King (1 November)
Robert Pattinson plays the Dauphin of France, Lily-Rose Depp is the beautiful Catherine of Valois and Timothée Chalamet stars as battle-weary Henry V in David Michôd’s Shakespearian epic. The film chronicles the monarch’s journey from young prince to reluctant king as he prepares for war and seeks counsel from his most-trusted advisor, the ageing knight Sir John Falstaff (Joel Edgerton). Edgerton has also co-written the script with Michôd, weaving together brutal set pieces and political scheming to create a Game of Thrones-style medieval melodrama.

6. 《王冠》The Crown (11月17日)

Netflix的《王冠》第二季結束已至今兩年,此劇追溯到伊莉莎白女王二世統治的首十年。奧莉薇雅·柯爾曼Olivia Colman接替克萊兒·福伊Claire Foy擔綱主角,海倫娜·寶漢·卡特Helena Bonham Carter飾演Princess Margaret,托比亞·曼齊司Tobias Menzies飾演Prince Philip,喬許·歐康納Josh O'Connor飾演Prince Charles。第三季將涵蓋1964年到1977年從阿波羅11號登月到英國首相哈羅德·威爾遜崛起的各色事件,而第四季目前正在製作中,因此粉絲們不用等太久,就能盼得下次回歸。

The Crown (17 November)
Almost two years on from the second season of Netflix’s royal saga, The Crown is back to trace the next decade of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign. Olivia Colman succeeds Claire Foy in the lead role, while Helena Bonham Carter appears as Princess Margaret, Tobias Menzies as Prince Philip and Josh O'Connor as Prince Charles. Spanning 1964 to 1977, the third installment will cover everything from the Apollo 11 moon landings to the rise of prime minister Harold Wilson — and with season four currently in production, fans can expect a shorter wait until the show’s return.

7. 《愛爾蘭人》The Irishman (11月27日)

自2016年《沉默》上映以來,馬丁·史柯西斯Martin Scorsese的第一部大銀幕作品吸引了不少黑幫電影老觀眾。這部驚悚片由勞勃·狄尼洛Robert De Niro飾演殺手Frank Sheeran,講述了他的生活和職業生涯,包含他涉嫌艾爾·帕西諾Al Pacino飾演的工黨領袖Jimmy Hoffa的失蹤案。喬·派西Joe Pesci和哈維·凱托Harvey Keitel的加入讓大眾將其與《四海好傢伙》和《殘酷大街》相提並論,而該片在紐約電影節首映之夜的熱度證實它是2020年奧斯卡的奪獎大熱門之一。

The Irishman (27 November)
The veterans of gangster cinema are all in attendance in Martin Scorsese’s first big-screen production since 2016’s Silence. The thriller stars Robert De Niro as hitman Frank Sheeran reflecting on his life and career, including his involvement in the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, a labour leader played by Al Pacino. The addition of Joe Pesci and Harvey Keitel has drawn comparisons with Goodfellas and Mean Streets, while the film’s opening night slot at the New York Film Festival all but confirms it as a major contender for the 2020 Oscars.

8. 《大西洋》 Atlantics (11月29日)

在達卡郊區,年輕的戀人Souleiman (伊巴謙馬·查奧爾Ibrahima Traore飾)和Ada(Mama Sane飾)為了尋找更好的未來,乘船離開了這個國家,之後他們便被拆散。這部始於浪漫愛情的影片,很快在法國塞內加爾電影製作人瑪蒂·迪歐普Mati Diop的手中變成了一個詩意的靈異故事。迪歐普今年締造歷史,成為第一位角逐金棕櫚獎的黑人女性。她將2019年坎城國際電影節的大獎帶回家,並將獲得多倫多電影節首屆Mary Pickford Award傑出女性人才獎。

Atlantics (29 November)
In a suburb of Dakar, young lovers Souleiman (Ibrahima Traore) and Ada (Mama Sane) are separated after the former leaves the country by sea in search of a better future. What begins as a romantic drama soon becomes a poetic ghost story in the hands of Mati Diop, the French-Senegalese filmmaker who made history this year as the first black woman to compete for the Palme d’Or. She took home the 2019 Cannes Grand Prix instead and is due to receive the Toronto Film Festival’s inaugural Mary Pickford Award for outstanding female talent.

9. 《婚姻故事》Marriage Story (12月6日)

美國電影製片人諾亞·波拜克Noah Baumbach拍攝了許多家庭爭鋒相對的場景例如《親情難捨》中的Berkman一家人、《邁耶維茨家的故事》中的Meyerowitze一家,但他的新片打造了迄今為止最具毀滅性的離婚畫面。故事圍繞著亞當·崔佛Adam Driver和史嘉蕾·喬韓森飾演即將分手的情侶。波拜克以兩方的視角各自詮釋故事。喬韓森飾演的角色帶著兒子和司機一家搬到了洛杉磯,而崔佛則在爭奪監護權。而結局就是現代版的《克拉瑪對克拉瑪》—尖銳、微妙,最終令人心碎。

Marriage Story (6 December)
American filmmaker Noah Baumbach has captured many families at war with each other — the Berkmans in The Squid and the Whale, the Meyerowitzes in The Meyerowitz Stories — but his new project provides the most devastating portrait of divorce yet. It centres on Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson as a couple on the brink of separation. Baumbach gives both sides of the story their due, following Johansson’s character as she moves to Los Angeles with their son and Driver’s as he fights for custody. The outcome is a Kramer vs. Kramer for our time: sharp, nuanced and ultimately heartbreaking.

  1. 《教宗的繼承》The Two Popes (12月20日)

廣受好評的《無法無天》導演費爾南多·梅雷萊斯Fernando Meirelles回來了!此劇描述教皇權力交接。由安東尼·霍普金斯Anthony Hopkins飾演Pope Benedict,強那森·布萊斯Jonathan Pryce飾演未來的教皇Pope Francis。Pope Francis在2012年對自己的工作感到沮喪時,他要求退休;取而代之的是,Pope Benedict邀請他到羅馬討論天主教會的作用。這部電影拍攝精良,結構嚴謹,對一個正在努力適應不斷變化的世界的古老機構來說,展現了細膩的描繪。

The Two Popes (20 December)
Acclaimed director Fernando Meirelles (City of God) returns to form with this intimate account of a papal transition of power. It’s anchored by two formidable performances: Anthony Hopkins as Pope Benedict and Jonathan Pryce as the future Pope Francis. When the latter becomes frustrated with his work in 2012, he asks to retire. Instead, Pope Benedict invites him to Rome to discuss the role of the Catholic church. Lavishly shot and carefully constructed, the film is a sensitive assessment of an ancient institution struggling to adapt to a changing world.

Netflix影集推薦!9部必追強檔美劇 | Vogue雙語讀時尚


Netflix 影集推薦!《怪奇物語》追完了?5 部驚悚恐怖片單陪你練膽 | Vogue雙語讀時尚






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