


NBA/隔離期間不理髮 「雷槍」邀詹皇一起把禿頭露出來

NOWnews 今日新聞

更新於 2020年04月08日03:02 • 發布於 2020年04月08日00:09 • 記者黃建霖/綜合報導

NBA目前因為疫情而停擺,許多球員在家中隔離閒來無事,也紛紛透過了直播或社群網站發文和球迷同樂。傳奇射手「雷槍」Ray Allen就在IG上,發起了一個要大家不要剃頭的運動,點名「詹皇」LeBron James等「絕頂」球星們一起同樂。


NBA裡不少球員因為禿頭,都選擇提前剃光,Allen這次點名了James、Shaquille O'Neal、Stephon Marbury、Richard Hamilton等人,要他們在這一段時間一起不要理頭髮,把禿頭露出來看看。

Allen生涯在塞爾提克和熱火各拿下一座冠軍,總共投進2973顆三分球排名史上第一,在Stephen Curry橫空出世以前,他被公認為史上最出色的外線射手。

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I wasn't gonna post this but two tears in a bucket! This is where I'm at with it. Lol So I'm gonna ride #myJefferson out until the "Rona" kicks rocks! For those of you that don’t know I have cut my own hair my whole life so it’s been hard not to put the clippers to it but when I look back at these pics I will remember the Rona! Lol Fish don't fry in the kitchen, beans don't burn on the grill, took a whole lotta tryin, just to get up that hill, now we're up in the big leagues, getting our turn at bat, as long as we live, it's you and me baby, there ain't nothing wrong with that"! I nominate all my bald or going bald brothers to let it grow out, y’all know who you are! Lol. #pulluptothescenewitmyceilinmissin #shoutouttothefivehead #movinonuptotheeastside #myjeffersonon @kingjames @ripcity3232 @mrcbooz @shaq @starburymarbury @dwilk3000 @jermaineoneal @therealchrisspencer #napsknotsandbeebeeshots #georgejeffersonchallenge #kickitray

Ray Allen(@trayfour)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 4月 月 7 日 下午 1:59 張貼

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