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發布於 2020年03月30日09:05 • 編輯群

新冠肺炎疫情全球延燒,許多歐美國家已進行封城(lockdown),並嚴禁店鋪開張以保持社交距離(social distancing),並鼓勵人們儘量不出門,在家學習遠距工作。不過許多企業也面臨窘境,紛紛宣布凍結人事,光是美國上周的總失業人口已飆破 330 萬人,打破歷史紀錄。今天就讓我們從「減班」、「裁員」等相關議題來學些多益單字吧!

To Reduce Working Hours/Wages 減班/減薪


Some companies experiencing a temporary drop in business decide to reduce employees’ working hours or wages to cut their spending.

減班就是工作時數的減少,通常使用reduce這個動詞,工作時數則是用working hours或work hours來描述。同樣的 reduce 也能用來說明減薪的狀況,wage 則是「薪資」的意思,與另一個多益常考的同義字 salary 有些區別,wage 通常指的是短期計薪的薪資,如時薪、日薪或每周計薪等;而 salary 指的則是較長期計算的月薪或年薪。減薪還有另一個較口語的說法是 cut one’s pay,其複合名詞為 pay cut。

Airline SAS is considering implementing a 20% work and pays cut for all employees as it is striving to mitigate the impact of coronavirus.
(為減緩新冠肺炎的衝擊,北歐航空正在考慮是否將實施全體員工 20% 的減班與減薪措施。)

Unpaid Leave 無薪假

若減班或減薪都無法解決公司財務困境,接著就恐怕會進到放無薪假的地步。無薪假的英文不會直接用到 salary 或 wage 這些單字,而是用形容詞 unpaid(未付款的)來形容這樣的 leave(休假),也就是 unpaid leave。

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many airlines are asking staff to volunteer for unpaid leave to contribute to reducing expenses.

動詞 leave 大家應該都知道是「離開」的意思,當名詞時可用來描述「休假」,像是 annual leave(年假)、sick leave(病假)、maternity leave(產假)或 paternity leave(陪產假)等。

如果想用動詞來描述「放」無薪假,可與平常請假一樣直接用 take,也就是 take unpaid leave。另外也可以說 go on leave without pay。

Since the government has already barred foreign tourists from entering the country, my hotel allows me to go on leave without pay for up to two weeks.

To Lay Off 裁員


About 100 TripActions customer support staff were laid off unexpectedly in conference calls last week, which were thought to be regular team meetings.
(上周約有一百位 TripActions 的客服類員工原以為只是要開個例行會議,卻無預警地在這場電話會議中得知將被裁員。)

此處的動詞片語 lay off 是「解僱、裁員」的意思,名詞則可用 layoff 或 lay-off;另有個與 lay off 意思相同,但更白話的用法是 let go。

Udacity, an online learning platform, is giving free courses to U.S. workers who have been let go due to the coronavirus pandemic.
(線上學習平台 Udacity 將提供免費線上課程給因新冠肺炎疫情被解雇的美國勞工。)

不過 let go 除了裁員、解雇之外,其實還能表達幾種不同的含意:

● 放開;鬆手
Andy let go of the woman’s hand when he saw his wife coming towards them.
(Andy 一看到他老婆走過來便立刻放開那女人的手。)

● 放下(想法)
It’s hard to let go of a grudge but holding it could hurt you even more.


1. More than 1,000 workers in the hospitality sector were asked to __ unpaid leave in March and more companies in the service industry will be launching unpaid leave programs.
(A) give
(B) obtain
(C) release
(D) take

2. Some experts believe that __ employees’ long working hours can result in greater creativity and work efficiency.
(A) reducing
(B) reduction
(C) reduced
(D) reduce


1. 正解為(D)。題意為「超過一千位餐飲飯店業的員工在三月時被要求放無薪假,而許多服務業的公司也開始準備展開無薪假計畫」。選項 (A) 為「給予」、(B) 為「獲得」、(C) 為「釋放」、(D) 為「採取」,而 take a leave 為「請假」的慣用搭配詞,故 (D) 為正解。

2. 正解為 (A)。 題意為「有些專家認為減少員工長時間的工作時數,能使他們的創造力與工作效率變得更好」。believe 後的 that 子句是用來作為動詞的受詞,而在 that 子句中,整段 reducing employees’ long working hours(減少員工長時間工作時數)應為名詞片語,以作為此句的主詞,故空格處應選動名詞 reducing,正解為 (A)。

文/羅伊伶 Janet Lo

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