Announcement: Changes to “Follow Settings” on TIMELINE for LINE users

LINE ประเทศไทย
เผยแพร่ 15 พ.ย. 2564 เวลา 02.00 น.


To enrich digital lifestyle of LINE users in Thailand with a more seamless experience, LINE is changing visibility of users on TIMELINE from friend-based to follow-based. Together with this change, “Allow Follows” in follow settings of all LINE users on TIMELINE will be automatically reset to turn on as default on Monday, November 22, 2021. This will enable other users to follow your TIMELINE profile through your public posts on TIMELINE but does not affect posts with visibility set to private or group.

Users can manually change their follow setting on Timeline by following a few simple steps below.

1. On LINE’s Home screen, tap “Timeline” tab (third from left) to enter TIMELINE screen.

2. Tap users’ profile picture on top-right corner of TIMELINE screen, and then choose “Timeline Settings”.

3. Choose “Follow Settings”

4. Choose a preferred follow setting between two options below.

  • Turn on “Allow Follows” buttonto allow other users to follow your TIMELINE profile through your public posts on their TIMELINE screen.
  • Turn off “Allow Follows” buttonto disallow other users from following your TIMELINE profile.
TIMELINE "Allow Follows" Setting


  • Users who turn off the “Allow Follows” setting can still set their TIMELINE posts to public, but other users will not be able to follow them despite seeing these public posts.
  • Users can prevent their “Allow Follows” setting from automatic reset to turn on on November 22, 2021 by turning on and off the setting button at least once, and then leave the setting at turned-off position before the date of automatic reset.
  • After the automatic reset on November 22, 2021, users can still change the follow settings at any time.

We highly appreciate LINE users for continued support.