


Universal health care would save over 330,000 American lives in pandemic: study


發布於 2022年06月27日15:21 • Liu Bowei

U.S. national flags fly at half-staff at the Washington Monument to mourn 1 million American lives lost to COVID-19 in Washington, D.C., the United States, on May 12, 2022. (Xinhua/Liu Jie)

It is nearly one-third of the total COVID-related deaths.

SAN FRANCISCO, June 27 (Xinhua) -- More than 330,000 Americans could have been saved during the COVID-19 pandemic if the United States operated under a universal health care system, the Kaiser Health News (KHN) reported recently.

Universal health care would have helped address underlying and pre-existing conditions that contributed to the COVID-related deaths, ultimately saving over 338,000 lives between the start of the pandemic and mid-March 2022, the KHN reported, citing a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

It is nearly one-third of the total COVID-related deaths, said KHN. ■

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