


Twitch聲援「Black Lives Matters」官方影片遭黑人創作者抗議下架


更新於 2020年07月10日06:57 • 發布於 2020年07月10日04:59 • 特約作者 Kiro
Twitch聲援「Black Lives Matters」官方影片遭黑人創作者抗議下架

因非裔美國人 George Floyd 之死引發的「Black lives Matters」運動為美國近期的網路聲浪焦點,Twitch 為表響應支持,在今(10)日於官方推特推出一支影片,不過內容卻遭到多位黑人實況主與創作者抗議,該影片也遭到下架。

根據 Polygon 網站的報導,在這支影片中,能夠看到 DrLupo、RubberNinja 以及 Jacksepticeye 等知名實況主站出來為「Black Lives Matters」行動發聲,並發起了慈善募款,在影片最後的一段訊息中也再次強調了對於黑人的聲量、創作者、社群以及實況主們的支持。

Working together to make an impact for Black lives. pic.twitter.com/xmVwyKkFmc

— Twitch (@Twitch) July 9, 2020

雖然 Twitch 影片貼文中寫道「共同努力為『黑人的命』(Black lives)帶來影響」,然而,這支影片遭到許多黑人粉絲以及創作者抨擊,表示影片中出現的人物絕大多數都是白人,而實際出現黑人創作者的時間卻十分短暫,在 1 分鐘左右的片長中,黑人實況主出現的畫面僅 11 秒,且只有一句台詞是由黑人實況主說出來的。

I'm sorry, but this is maddening to me.
Twitch talks about the importance of #BLM
1. Has 90% of the talking done by white/nonblack people
2. Doesn't promote any black streamers/content creators
Share and promote Black Twitch content, here or in retweets! pic.twitter.com/fMJ8DNq7yU

— Uncle Fill™ (@2leftjoycons) July 9, 2020

This is a whole bucket of fail. There's a WHOLE LOT of Black Creators on here who not only speak out on this ALL THE TIME, but don't get any credit for it.
Y'all are speaking over us. Highlight Black folks doing the work already. https://t.co/6X4toho32z

— Tanya, Chaotic Black Deathbane (@cypheroftyr) July 9, 2020

I’ma be deadass.
I KNOW you fuckin lyin’ @Twitch.
Don’t get me wrong. Thank you to the white folk who stepped up to help.
But where is @cypheroftyr? Where is @pleasantlytwstd? Where is @urbanbohemian? WHERE AM I?
We ALL have raised funds… but yay white people doing it? 🤔 https://t.co/Tu3eE7C6Y6

— CRITICAL BARD. ✊🏾🎶 (@CriticalBard) July 9, 2020

We are fucking right here and they STILL won’t see us. What a joke. https://t.co/v2UxTxkeXs

— Briggsycakes (@Briggsycakes) July 9, 2020

在許多黑人創作者、粉絲以及觀眾開始於社群網站表達不滿之後,Twitch 火速將這支影片下架。


We hear you. Our goal was to demonstrate the importance of allyship - a message we didn’t make clear. Only by working together can we create a positive change.

— Twitch (@Twitch) July 9, 2020

事實上,Twitch 最近在為另一個類似的議題發聲時,也曾惹出過一些爭議。

就在上週日,Twitch 也在推特上公開一支影片,希望能藉此向平台上的 LGBTQ+ 族群創作者致敬,但他們在影片中卻打上了一句「LGBTQIA+ 中的 G 也代表了 Gamer」。雖然 Twitch 隨後立即暫時下架了這支影片,並在經過剪輯後重新推出,但也已經在網路上惹出了一些爭議。

Twitch put out a video on pride and this was one of the tag lines. People are already confused about what each letter means.
It was deleted pic.twitter.com/1H7FwE8F7G

— iamBrandon (@iamBrandonTV) July 5, 2020

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