


Water cannon, tear gas used on Hong Kong protesters who hurl petrol bombs at police and vandalise MTR after tens of thousands march

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年09月15日10:09 • SCMP Reporters
  • Demonstration kicks off in Causeway Bay, with groups later damaging MTR facilities again
  • Protesters occupy roads near government headquarters and throw petrol bombs
Photo: Edmond So
Photo: Edmond So

Tens of thousands of protesters in Hong Kong have defied a police ban to march from the busy shopping hub of Causeway Bay to Central, as radical groups smash facilities at MTR stations in Admiralty and Wan Chai, while police fire tear gas and deploy a water cannon in retaliation against petrol bomb attacks near the government headquarters.

Tram services from Pedder Street in Central to North Point have also been suspended.

Police had for the second time banned a rally and march planned by the Civil Human Rights Front over fears of violence as the city enters its 15th straight weekend of protests. On Saturday, skirmishes occurred in various parts of the city as pro-Beijing groups clashed with anti-government protesters.

The social unrest gripping Hong Kong was sparked by the extradition bill, which would have allowed the transfer of fugitives to jurisdictions with which the city has no such agreement, including mainland China. While authorities have announced the withdrawal of the bill, the movement has since grown into a widespread anti-government campaign with protesters demanding an inquiry into police action over the protests and universal suffrage.

Follow our live blog below for the latest updates. Reporting by Phila Siu, Alvin Lum, Linda Lew, Jeffie Lam, Danny Mok, Nectar Gan and Gigi Choy.

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留言 3

  • Bella
    Protesters, be careful what you wish for. If you wanna burn yourself, the whole Hong King will burn with you. Once you destroy the Prosperous city and its reputation, nobody can turn back the clock and restore it. Treasure what you have today, and stop violence.
  • 1
    暴力暴亂分子及抗議者騎劫及監禁香港: "光蛋香港,屎袋革命。" "幾多妄求,缺晒才可!!!" "瓜柴整死香港。" "光蛋香港,屎袋革命。" "幾多無理妄求,一定缺晒才可!!!" "否則瓜柴整死香港。" Robbed & Imprisoned Hong Kong by violent rioters & protestors: "This shit revolution bring Hong Kong back to zero." "All presumptuous demand & inappropriate request should be all given up!!!" (just because they are unreasonable and unrighteous at all) "Otherwise Hong Kong will be killed and dead."
  • pp
    ❤️全民取消中資銀行戶口❤️ 呼籲!!請廣傳!! 中資銀行唔係差,不過! 利!率!太!唔!吸!引! 由8月起,絕大部份銀行已經取消戶口最低結餘收費。如果仲用緊中資銀行嘅巴絲,快啲快啲到外資或港資銀行開新銀行戶口,留返5毫子,keep住個戶口就會浪費佢地行政成本。 如果當時年少無知set咗中資行做出糧戶口,請善用轉數快FPS每月自動轉走薪金,只要定時每月定額轉錢到新開戶口,都可以享有發薪戶利率優惠 ,活期利率高達2厘(每間銀行不同)!所以一定要盡快轉會! 另外,渣打銀行信用卡有1.5%現金回贈,花旗Citi都有1%,睇下人地外資行啲優惠幾吸引,咁點解我仲要用支資? 祝你地支爆支死🥰🥰🇨🇳