


China places 311 under administrative detention in "air rage" crackdown


發布於 04月30日05:15 • Zhang Yunlong,Ren Qinqin,renyaoti(yidu)

BEIJING, April 30 (Xinhua) -- China's authorities have punished 311 people with administrative detention as part of a crackdown on disruptive "air rage" incidents since July 2023, the Ministry of Public Security said on Tuesday.

The special campaign aimed to curb smoking, seat conflicts and other unruly behavior on flights. It resulted in 669 cases being handled, with six people facing criminal compulsory measures, the ministry added.

The ratio of disruptive incidents per million passengers dropped 13.2 percent thanks to the crackdown, according to the ministry, which said the campaign had effectively contained the frequent occurrence of such incidents. ■

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