


5 Feel-Good Series To Binge On Netflix

Tatler Hong Kong

發布於 2020年01月29日08:40 • Hong Kong Tatler

Suffice to say, this year has gotten off to a rocky start. So to lift your spirits, here are five heartwarming, feel-good series on Netflix to indulge in

Queer Eye: We're In Japan!

Following their wildly popular original series, the Fab 5 packed their bags and brought their expertise to Tokyo. As always, each transformation becomes more than just a makeover as the crew work to boost their subjects' confidence and improve their quality of life by updating their wardrobes, renovating their homes, opening up about their personal struggles. 


From a Syrian refugee who went to great lengths to reunite with his dog, to a couple who have dedicated their lives to running a free-range animal shelter in Costa Rica, this surprisingly touching series explores the bond between humans and man's best friend. 

See also: Netflix To Stream 21 Studio Ghibli Films Globally Next Month

Street Food

The creators of Chef's Table bring the same artistic touch and storytelling to Street Food. The series takes viewers to nine Asian destinations to discover each city's vibrant street food scene, while bringing a very human element to the plate as they focus on the strong connections between the food and the people who make it, and why they do—sometimes it's out of passion, and sometimes it's sheer survival. 

It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry, but more than anything, this beautifully executed series will remind you that everyone has a story. 


This six-episode series quickly gained a cult following, and for good reason. It is an unexpectedly compelling and emotional dive into the world of competitive cheerleading, specifically at a small junior college in Corsicana, Texas called Navarro. Only the best of the best get to cheer here, and for many, making the squad is a way out of their troubled lives—especially under the guidance of the team's tough but kind coach, Monica Aldama.




Sam, a teenager who is on the autism spectrum, has decided that he's ready to look for love. Hilarious and heartwarming, Atypical follows him and his family on this journey, and what starts as a narrative about life on the spectrum unfolds into a story about life in general and the challenges we all face in relationships. 

*See also: Star Of Singapore Social Mae Tan Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Details About The Show *

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