


Hundreds of thousands march in Hong Kong


發布於 2019年12月09日16:12

Hundreds of thousands of Hongkongers took to the streets on December 8, 2019, the day before the six-month anniversary of the anti-government protests.

For the first time since August, the Civil Human Rights Front, the organizer of the march, received a letter of no objection from the police.

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留言 1

  • 1
    HK rioters & their supporters are all terrorists. Destroying Hong Kong totally by all illegal means with bombs & vandalism everywhere. Kill & hurt people with different political views on street. They make most Hongkongers suffer & Hong Kongers now do not have freedom of speech & can't walk safely on street. What is this kind of democracy that only for the violence riotets & their supporters?! Sacrifice others freedom, jobs & safety to achieve their selfish aims.Bringing HK to chaos & disasters.