


Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam pledges other options if police conduct probe cannot quell public anger at force handling of anti-government protests

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年10月20日09:10 • Cannix Yau cannix.yau@scmp.com
  • Investigation by police watchdog will focus on controversial episodes during recent unrest, such as mob attack in Yuen Long and police charge on Prince Edward station
  • If it does not assuage residents' concerns, Lam will 'definitely think of another way to make a sufficient response to the public'
Protesters have repeatedly called for an investigation into police conduct during the anti-government protests. Photo: Edmond So
Protesters have repeatedly called for an investigation into police conduct during the anti-government protests. Photo: Edmond So

Hong Kong's leader on Sunday pledged to find other ways to assuage public concerns about police conduct if an official probe into key incidents during more than four months of political turmoil fails to do the job.

Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said the investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) would focus on controversial episodes during the recent anti-government unrest, including the Yuen Long mob attack and the police charge on Prince Edward station.

But she did not specify what she would do if the police watchdog's report, due by the end of this year, does not placate angry residents.

Protesters have repeatedly demanded an independent commission of inquiry into the alleged wrongdoing, but Lam has rejected that, saying the IPCC investigation will suffice. She earlier appointed two more members to the council " former Bar Association chairman Paul Lam Ting-kwok and former deputy ombudsman Helen Yu Lai Ching-ping " in a bid to enhance public confidence.

Speaking in an interview with TVB, Lam said the IPCC probe would cover several controversial incidents, including the Yuen Long attack on the night of July 21, when a rampaging mob, mostly dressed in white, assaulted protesters and black-clad passengers indiscriminately in and around an MTR station. Police action at Prince Edward MTR station on August 31 " after which rumours spread that protesters were killed, despite a lack of any evidence " and alleged abuse at San Uk Ling Holding Centre in Sheung Shui would also be covered.

"Up to now, these incidents are what the public are most concerned about. On the night of July 21 in Yuen Long, what happened with the white-clad and black-clad men? On August 31 at Prince Edward station, were there any deaths? And at a later stage in San Uk Ling Holding Centre, whether the alleged incidents by some people did happen there," she said.

"I believe the IPCC will quickly look into these key incidents and deliver a view in its report."

Lam said she did not want to speculate on the IPCC report. But she promised to do something to address people's concerns if the report failed to do so.

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"We sincerely hope to show the public the truth about these incidents," she said.

"But if the report of the independent IPCC, when it is delivered, still fails to quell the controversies with a lot of doubts in society, at that time I believe the chief executive and the (Hong Kong) government will definitely think of another way to make a sufficient response to the public," she said.

During the months of unrest, sparked in June by opposition to a since-withdrawn extradition bill, protesters have clashed regularly with police on the city's streets, often decrying officers' behaviour and tactics. The force has repeatedly used tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons, in response to radical protesters armed with rods, petrol bombs and bricks.

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留言 3

  • Alan
  • 😈尾國殺人放火金腰帶😇中國好人好事被插贓
    當日兄弟一齊上山、精人背後策劃、勇武向前衝鋒; 今日兄弟各自下山、精人去選議員、勇武只能坐監。 嗚呼哀哉!!! ☆精人做議員,勇武做笨蕉☆
  • Sa
    世途險惡,請各父母小心看管保護家裏的學生妹! 一班走狗賤人犯民派議員,借民主自由謀財害命! 走狗層壓式洗腦歪理,個個患左被迫害妄想症! 最低層冇腦🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️曱甴五毛好洗好用,一呼百應去非法集結遊行丶玩人L..... https://youtu.be/6htCrgVKVe0 另YouTube Post出嚟一陣,已被滅聲https://streamable.com/81k2k 轉載已翻譯 我混入香港暴徒内部兩月的真實見聞! http://m.discuss.com.hk/amp_viewthread.php?tid=28543579 犯了香港法律要坐牢,唔告你都一定有其它麻煩,現在很多國家已收集亂港份子資料,想一想如果一家人開開心心去旅行,出入境時被扣留丶遣返⋯⋯會如何)🤔