


Tanzania plans to build first ever presidential museums


發布於 2022年09月12日10:03 • ,

The file photo shows Samia Suluhu Hassan (L) being sworn in as Tanzanian president at the State House in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on March 19, 2021. (State House of Tanzania/Handout via Xinhua)

Tanzania plans to build the first ever presidential museums in its capital of Dodoma to promote understanding of the presidency.

DAR ES SALAAM, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- Tanzania plans to build the first ever presidential museums in its capital of Dodoma to promote understanding of the presidency, an official said on Sunday.

Christowaja Ntandu, the acting director for the Department of Antiquities in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, said the presidential museums will be used as repositories for the papers, records, and historical materials of the country's presidents.

"The public and researchers will be able to access these preserved irreplaceable documents for the widest possible use," Ntandu told Xinhua in a telephone interview.

The file photo, taken on July 11, 2022, shows a historical building in downtown Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (Photo by Herman Emmanuel/Xinhua)

Preparations underway include architectural designs of the museums and collection of the country's presidents' documents and artifacts, said Ntandu.

She said Pindi Chana, the minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, inspected preparations for the construction of the presidential museums in the Chisichili area covering 20 hectares on Saturday.

Chana said the construction of the presidential museums will add to the east African nation's list of tourist attractions.

Tanzania has been governed by six presidents since it gained independence.

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