


COVID-19 can be contained: WHO chief


發布於 2020年02月24日17:47

Bruce Aylward, an epidemiologist who led an advance team from the World Health Organization (WHO), speaks during a press conference of the China-WHO joint expert team in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 24, 2020.(Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

The key message that should give all countries hope, courage and confidence is that this virus can be contained, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. 

GENEVA, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- The chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) said Monday that COVID-19 can be contained, which is a clear key message based upon the findings by the WHO-China joint mission in China.

At a daily briefing, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that the WHO-China team had just concluded its mission in China and would detail on their findings on Tuesday.

"But the key message that should give all countries hope, courage and confidence is that this virus can be contained," the WHO chief declared.

He added that the team had traveled to several different provinces, including Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, and had made a range of findings about the transmissibility of the virus, the severity of disease and the impact of the measures taken.

"The epidemic peaked and plateaued between the 23rd of January and the 2nd of February (in China), and has been declining steadily since then," Tedros said, adding that the virus has had no significant change in the DNA.

The fatality rate is between two percent and four percent in Wuhan, and 0.7 percent outside Wuhan, while recovery time for people with mild disease is about two weeks and those with severe or critical disease may need three to six weeks to recover, according to the team.

But the WHO chief still warned about lowering guard against the epidemic.

"This is a time for all countries, communities, families and individuals to focus on preparing," Tedros reiterated. "We must focus on containment, while doing everything we can to prepare for a potential pandemic."■

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留言 12

  • SL
    "The epidemic peaked and plateaued between the 23rd of January and the 2nd of February" I stopped reading from here
  • unknown
  • ❀羽澄伶奈 ཉིཾ ワスレナཉྀ ✡KK ❀
    once again! It’s CHO which not WHO. That’s all. 凸
  • @realRyotaNakanishi🗽
    Bullshit 😂 為何最大感染禍源內地實施全面封關,而對南韓願意封關?這不是歧視嗎?奸商廢官假媒體勾結如此禍害市民!廢官治港的後果。為何總是把隔離營設在新界貧困區?應把隔離營設在淺水灣!無良廢官羅致光! 盲撐羅之流是愛國愛港嗎?廢官廢策廢黨害國害港害民!疫情失控?根本零防疫!甚至又開放了口岸 😂 所謂廢官奸商才是分化大眾的原因。他們需要政治顏色來分化市民。全面封關呢?俄國,北韓,蒙古,菲律賓都做的好好的!很有效!香港沒有政府!零防疫 😂 五大商會反對了必需品的價格控制,無政府狀態的香港🇭🇰市民的最大威脅並非武漢新型肺炎病毒或所謂暴徒,而是廢官,奸商會,只懂盲撐它們的假媒體,假學者和假政治人物!盲撐廢官的才是甲甴!市民的最大威脅絕不是所謂暴徒或武漢病毒,而是廢官,反對官方派發口罩以及反對價格控管的奸商五大商會,煽動口罩慌,廁紙慌,消毒液慌,米袋慌的假媒體,抹黑前線勞動者權益的假學者!盲撐廢官是愛國愛港?反而那才是害國害港!需要獨立思考!
  • エナ
    Why didn't they isolate themselves for 2 weeks when leave Wuhan?