


Hong Kong protests: restaurants spray-painted and diners harassed in ‘Christmas shopping’ action in leading malls

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年12月15日10:12 • Ng Kang-chung kc.ng@scmp.com
  • Protesters, many of whom were masked and wearing black, staged rallies at a number of popular malls
  • Riot police subdue at least two people in Telford Plaza mall
Radical protesters vandalise a restaurant in New Town Plaza. Photo: Sam Tsang
Radical protesters vandalise a restaurant in New Town Plaza. Photo: Sam Tsang

Trouble returned to Hong Kong on Sunday as anti-government demonstrators staged citywide "Christmas shopping" protests in major malls, leading to minor scuffles with those who did not support their cause.

Some restaurants were spray-painted and diners harassed. Riot police were deployed to deal with protesters at the Telford Plaza shopping centre in Kowloon Bay and at one point they used pepper spray.

Protesters, many of whom were masked and wearing black, staged rallies at a number of leading malls.

At a Maxim's fast food shop in Telford Plaza, protesters hurled verbal abuse at diners. Many of the customers left during the protesters' invasion. The protesters later left after putting stickers on the storefront.

Riot police in New Town Plaza in Sha Tin. Photo: Sam Tsang
Riot police in New Town Plaza in Sha Tin. Photo: Sam Tsang

Riot police subdued at least two people in the mall. Another group of protesters tried to surround the officers as they were taking the arrested to a police car. At one point, police used pepper spray to drive protesters away.

Protesters and shoppers, including a young boy, were sprayed.

In New Town Plaza in Sha Tin, meanwhile, protesters began taking over the atrium at around 2pm as others marched around the mall, singing protest songs and shouting anti-government and anti-police slogans.

They invaded a restaurant under the Maxim's chain, shouting at diners, and spraying graffiti on the storefront.

A woman tried to argue with the protesters and was spray-painted on the face. Paramedics later took her away. No one was arrested.

A Starbucks cafe shop also pulled down its shutters.

Similar scenes also played out at Metroplaza in Kwai Fong, where protesters harassed customers at an Arome Cafe store, shouting verbal abuse and calling them "pigs".

There were also protests in Times Square in Causeway Bay, and Cityplaza in Tai Koo Shing.

More to follow…

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留言 22

  • Sandy
    They have been asking for more freedom but taking away our freedom of speech, is this fair?
  • Sandy
    死曱甴,死曱甴,死曱甴,你哋自己快樂,到處攪破壞,人我家市民,坐底飲杯茶都比你哋暴徒曱甴破壞! 你哋真偉大,為香港! 死曱甴,香港比你哋班死曱甴帶領! 吾使望,吾使諗! 支持警察強力執法,市民合力趕曱甴!
  • Alan
  • Oh... I can't saw any popos, I can only saw many green cockroaches in the mall, they were armed rioters.
  • These are sick and violent protesters who are destroying their own city!