


GLOBALink | China-aided satellite TV project helps connect African villages to world


發布於 2021年11月26日11:55 • Cao Kai,Wang Zizheng,Liu Chang

DAKAR, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) -- Students from Sindia Primary School in Dakar are happily watching satellite television via a solar-powered projector.

The projector is provided by Chinese media company StarTimes under a China-funded project.

The satellite TV project is one of the fruits of the resolutions of the 2015 summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation held in Johannesburg, in which the Chinese government pledged to provide satellite TV in over 10,000 African villages.

So far, StarTimes has installed satellite TV terminals for 300 villages in Senegal, enabling 6,000 households in 14 provinces and 900 public places to watch 20 digital TV programs for free.

StarTimes has just kicked off the second phase of the project, which is expected to serve another 300 villages by the end of March 2022.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service

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