


China announces countermeasures against Chinese media restrictions in U.S.


發布於 2020年07月01日11:33

National flags of China (R) and the United States.(Xinhua/Bao Dandan)

BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Four U.S. media organizations have been required to declare to China, in written form, information including their staff, finances, operations, and real estate owned by them in China within seven calendar days, starting from Wednesday.

According to Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian, the four U.S. organizations are the Associated Press (AP), United Press International (UPI), the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), and National Public Radio (NPR).

Zhao made the announcement at a daily press briefing on Wednesday in response to a U.S. announcement on June 22 that China Central Television, the People's Daily, the Global Times, and China News Service had been designated as foreign missions in the United States.

"The above-mentioned measures by China are entirely necessary and reciprocal countermeasures in response to the unreasonable oppression conducted by the U.S. to these Chinese media organizations' branches in the U.S.," said Zhao, stressing that China's measures are an entirely justifiable defense.  ■

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留言 1

  • Oscar Choi
    Of course. Do as same as you.