


Café 8 Degrees 8度餐廳 - 芒果拿破崙


發布於 2023年10月25日03:00

【TOP 30 LINE傳世菜式】
Café 8 Degrees 8度餐廳 - 芒果拿破崙 Mango Napoleon

酒店招牌芒果拿破崙的酥皮層由數層薄脆鬆化的金黃酥皮組成,每一層之間都夾著香 滑秘製吉士忌廉,輕輕一咬使其更加香脆可口。面層鋪滿新鮮香甜的呂宋芒果肉,於 內裡更將芒果切成小塊,融入吉士忌廉中,甫入口就嚐到芒果的濃郁的香氣,芒果的 酸甜風味與酥皮的酥脆口感相得益彰。而外層披上金黃香脆杏仁片,增加視覺上的吸 引力及層次感,每一口都震撼味蕾。

The crust of the hotel's signature Mango Napoleon is made up of several layers of thin, crispy and flaky golden pastry, with a smooth and secret cream in between each layer, creating an even more crispy and delicious texture with every bite. The top layer is filled with fresh and sweet Philippine mango flesh, with diced mangoes incorporated into the cream, allowing you to taste the rich aroma of mango as soon as it touches your tongue. The contrasting flavors of the tangy and sweet mango and the crispy texture of the pastry complement each other perfectly. The outer layer is adorned with golden and crunchy almond slices, adding visual appeal and layers of sensation, creating a mouthwatering experience with every bite, tantalizing your taste buds.

芒果拿破崙 Mango Napoleon
芒果拿破崙 Mango Napoleon

Café 8 Degrees 8度餐廳
電話:2126 1960
地址:土瓜灣九龍城道 199 號 8 度海逸酒店地下

Café 8 Degrees 8度餐廳
Café 8 Degrees 8度餐廳
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