


Spotlight: Los Angeles shows mask-wearing consensus to prevent spread of COVID-19


發布於 2020年04月08日22:39

A bus driver wearing a face mask is seen in Los Angeles, California, the United States, March 20, 2020. (Photo by Qian Weizhong/Xinhua)

"Wearing masks is absolutely essential for all of us to protect our loved ones and our community," said Cindy Fisher, a resident in Los Angeles.

by Julia Pierrepont III

LOS ANGELES, April 8 (Xinhua) -- Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the streets of Los Angeles are starting to look like an interesting west world in Hollywood's productions.

Everywhere, in grocery stores, post offices and even banks where face coverings would normally have security guards reaching for their weapons, Angelenos are swathed in general purpose surgical masks or other protective coverings as they comply with a new order from the authorities.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's call to wear masks in public to slow the spread of the coronavirus would be enforced to be a mandate from midnight of Friday, under which all non-medical essential workers and customers at businesses in the second largest city of the United States were required to cover their faces.

"I know this looks surreal," Garcetti said while wearing a mask during an online press conference last week to lead by example. "We're going to have to get used to seeing each other like this… This will be 'The Look.'"

Most Angelenos have stepped up and responded well to the new public health policy since then.

"It's a good thing. We all have to do this," Hollywood filmmaker Doug Shaffer told Xinhua on Wednesday. "Everyone needs to be pro-active, wear their masks and stay isolated. That's what will get us through this."

Shaffer had initially been skeptical of LA's lockdown and public mask-wearing orders, but now supports them wholeheartedly.

"Because it's working," he explained the change of heart. "We're slowing the spread and flattening the curve."

"This is an important step," Cindy Fisher, a resident of Woodland Hills, told Xinhua as well. "Wearing masks is absolutely essential for all of us to protect our loved ones and our community."

Alhambra Mayor Ross Maza (C), former Mayor Stephen Sham (2nd, L) pose to recommend local residents wear face masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Alhambra, Los Angeles, the United States on April 5, 2020. (Xinhua)

President of the Chinese Americans United for Safer Communities, Stephen Sham, applauded Garcetti's efforts and told Xinhua that the general public should absolutely have access to and use disposable protective masks - some groups in particular.

"People like grocery store checkers, school lunch program servers, delivery people, cooks in takeout restaurants, local businesses, and others. It's important for all of them to wear masks too," he said.

"If you have to go to the store, why not wear a mask?" said Erik Lundmark, CEO of Leomark Studios, a Hollywood-based distribution company. "A physical barrier can help - we know it can't hurt."

Les Fujimoto, vice president of Development and Community Relations for Beverly Hospital in Montebello, told Xinhua, "It may be sad that no one can see us smiling, but we have to get over ourselves, do the right thing, and all wear our masks."

Other California officials got in on the act to support LA's ongoing efforts.

"It's so important to continue following all public health recommendations. Please practice social distancing, keep washing your hands and if you must leave your residence, wear a cloth mask. We all have to work together to get past this crisis," Senator from the Golden State Dianne Feinstein tweeted.

"Healthcare workers need special N95 masks, but it's very important for ordinary citizens have access to the simpler, general-use masks," California Assemblyman Kansen Chu from California's 25th district told Xinhua in an exclusive interview.

"We all need to do this together. Keep wearing your masks and practicing safe social distancing for your family and for everyone's sake. You may feel awkward, but it's been proven to make a real difference," the assemblyman urged.

A staff member wearing a face mask pushes the shopping carts outside a supermarket in Los Angeles, California, the United States, March 4, 2020. (Xinhua/Li Ying)

Los Angeles' tightened move to recommend face masks was prompted by the Trump administration's refusal to advise Americans across the country to wear masks in public and the U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams' misleading statement on March 2 to, "Stop buying masks… they can increase the spread the Coronavirus."

The lack of seasoned and expert health advice on the federal level has had American public confused, bewildered and leaderless, Los Angeles residents contend.

"It's criminal how useless the Trump Administration has been on advising the American people on sound public health policy," Michael D., a resident of Shadow Hills of Los Angeles County, told Xinhua. "Of course we should be wearing face masks. It's our responsibility to do things like that that worked so well in China and South Korea."

To fill the federal vacuum, Los Angeles leaders had to take steps of their own to protect their local citizenry.

Mayor Garcetti said his decision was guided by scientific data which indicated that many of those who are infected with the virus show no symptoms, so if they don't wear masks and isolate, they can unwittingly spread it to others who are more vulnerable.

Los Angeles became the first city in the United States to follow the effective public mask protocol pioneered in China during their COVID-19 outbreak.

Los Angeles also announced on Tuesday that all LA County residents showing coronavirus symptoms would have access to free testing with priority given to people over 65 years old or with underlying health conditions.

Garcetti gratefully acknowledged the sacrifices that his fellow Angelenos were making to contain the dangerous outbreak.

He tweeted Tuesday, "These are difficult days. But… I've never been more proud of our city, of the doctors, nurses and first responders saving lives and all the Angelenos making sacrifices to help keep our communities safe. Please continue to do your part!"  ■

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