


Chinese university develops rapid test kit for novel coronavirus


發布於 2020年02月17日06:10

A staff member of Disease Control and Prevention Center of Saihan District takes sample from a resident for test in Hohhot, capital of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Feb.11, 2020. (Xinhua/Peng Yuan)

The new test kit can detect the virus in just 15 minutes.

TIANJIN, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- China's Nankai University has announced a breakthrough in developing a novel coronavirus rapid test kit that can identify infection among suspected patients within 15 minutes.

The new virus detection product, called Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) IgM/IgG antibody detection kit, was developed by the century-old university based in northern China's Tianjin, together with a group of experts from other Chinese universities and biopharmaceutical companies.

The fast test card, part of the kit, can detect the virus in just 15 minutes.   

The test kit can shorten the testing time, provide easier and faster operation and make rapid diagnosis of suspected patients and on-site screening of people in close contact, the university said in a statement.

Nankai University in north China's Tianjin Municipality, Sept. 28, 2016. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

Last week, China's Ministry of Science and Technology solicited research projects on rapid test kits for the novel coronavirus, saying that current nucleic acid detection reagents take a long time and have intricate operations. They are unable to meet the fast-growing needs of the quick testing on suspected patients and asymptomatic infections.

A number of research teams across China are developing or have developed rapid testing products for the novel coronavirus.

The Nankai test kit is expected to be used in epidemic prevention and control soon, the university said.  ■

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