


Live COVID-19 updates: Caseload in India tops 900,000


發布於 2020年07月14日11:27

A health worker collects swab samples of a boy for COVID-19 testing inside Dharavi slum in Mumbai, India, June 6, 2020. (Str/Xinhua)

- India's caseload tops 900,000

- Russia's cases up more than 6,200

- Tokyo's daily COVID-19 tally rises to 143, government mulls reissuing business closure requests

- Malaysia, Singapore agree to ease pandemic curb for cross-border travel

BEIJING, July 14 (Xinhua) -- The following are the updates on the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

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NEW DELHI -- The total number of COVID-19 cases in India surpassed the 900,000-mark on Tuesday, reaching 906,752, and the total deaths stood at 23,727, according to the latest data issued by the federal health ministry.

The ministry said 553 new deaths due to COVID-19, besides 28,498 fresh positive cases, were reported during the past 24 hours across the country, taking the number of deaths to 23,727 and total cases to 906,752. 

Live COVID-19 updates: Caseload in India tops 900,000

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A museum worker wearing a face mask, a face shield and gloves sits as a visitor walks past an artwork during an exhibition at the New Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Russia, on July 6, 2020. (Photo by Alexander Zemlianichenko Jr/Xinhua)

MOSCOW -- Russia has registered 6,248 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, bringing its total to 739,947, the country's COVID-19 response center said in a statement Tuesday.

The country's death toll has risen by 175 to 11,614, while 512,825 people have recovered, including 8,804 over the last 24 hours, according to the statement.

Moscow, the country's worst-hit region, reported 613 new confirmed cases, taking its tally of infections to 230,642.

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BISHKEK -- Kyrgyzstan registered 421 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, bringing the country's tally to 11,538.

A total of 3,095 tests for the virus have been conducted across the country and 421 of them were positive, Ainura Akmatova, the head of the public health care department of the country's Health Ministry, told a daily online news briefing.

People wearing face masks walk on the street in Tokyo, Japan, July 3, 2020. (Xinhua/Du Xiaoyi)

TOKYO -- The Tokyo metropolitan government on Tuesday confirmed 143 new COVID-19 infections, with the number staying below the 200-mark for the second straight day but spiking above the 119 cases detected a day earlier.

Monday's figure marked the first time the number of daily COVID-19 cases had dropped below 200 in five days.

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SHANGHAI -- Shanghai reported three new imported COVID-19 cases and no increase in domestically transmitted cases on Monday, the municipal health commission said Tuesday.

One of the imported cases was a Chinese national who departed from the United Kingdom on July 10 and arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on July 11. The person showed symptoms during the isolated observation period and was confirmed as a COVID-19 patient.

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JAKARTA -- The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged Indonesia to conduct more polymerase chain reaction tests on those suspected of contracting COVID-19 following the high number of deaths among patients under surveillance and people under observation.

The organization has appreciated Indonesia for increasing the number of tests, but said the tests were only conducted on positive COVID-19 patients, Detik.com website reported on Tuesday quoting the WHO.

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Aircraft of Singapore Airlines park on the tarmac of Singapore's Changi Airport on Marcn 23, 2020. (Photo by Then Chih Wey/Xinhua)

KUALA LUMPUR -- Malaysia and Singapore have agreed to mutually ease travel restrictions introduced due to the COVID-19 outbreak and resume some necessary travels between the two countries, the two foreign ministries said Tuesday.

The Reciprocal Green Lane and Periodic Commuting Arrangement are two schemes that meant to address the needs of different groups of cross-border travelers, Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and his Singaporean counterpart Vivian Balakrishnan said in a joint statement.

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ULAN BATOR -- Mongolia reported 13 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, taking its total tally to 243, the country's National Center for Communicable Diseases (NCCD) said Tuesday.

"A total of 168 tests for COVID-19 were conducted across the country yesterday and 13 of them were positive," the NCCD's head Dulmaa Nyamkhuu told a daily press conference.

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WUHAN -- No new confirmed, asymptomatic or suspected cases of COVID-19 were reported in central China's Hubei Province on Monday, the provincial health commission said Tuesday.

By Monday, Hubei had four asymptomatic cases, including two in the provincial capital city of Wuhan. A total of 67 close contacts were still under medical observation.

Passengers walk in the Grand Central Terminal in New York, the United States, July 8, 2020. (Xinhua/Wang Ying)

WASHINGTON -- The United States on Monday recorded 59,222 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, bringing the tally of confirmed COVID-19 cases over 3.36 million, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Another 411 deaths were reported in the past 24 hours, bringing the total death toll to 135,582 in the country.

The surge of coronavirus infections has pushed some states to reinstate tougher anti-epidemic measures.  ■

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