


What stretches should you do after an ultramarathon or trail race?

South China Morning Post

發布於 2020年01月20日03:01 • Mark Agnew mark.agnew@scmp.com
  • Start your recovery right with a stretching routine at the end of your latest race
Stretch at the end of a run is an easy way to start recovering and avoiding stiffness. Photo: Shutterstock
Stretch at the end of a run is an easy way to start recovering and avoiding stiffness. Photo: Shutterstock

After running tens of kilometres through the mountains, the last thing you want to do is, well, anything. As tempting as it is to sit down, put your feet up and relax, you will regret it the day afterwards.

So, take a little time to do these static stretches so you recover quicker and do not stiffen up as much.

Hip flexors

Get down on one knee like you're about to ask someone to marry you. Put your front, planted foot, a bit further forward and then push your hips slowly forward until you feel a stretch in your hip. Hold it for 30 seconds, relax and repeat. Do it on both legs, at least twice. You hips muscles get very tight from continuously lifting your legs and the impact of running. In turn, this can make you quads feel tight and also your lower back.


Stand about two meters from a wall, place one foot forward for stability. Lean forward and press you hands on the wall, while keeping your back leg straight, with the heal against the ground. You should feel a stretch in your calf, but if not, try stepping further away from the wall.


Lie on your back. Plant one foot on the ground, so your knee is bent. Slowly lift the other leg, so it is pointing straight at the sky. Link your hands around the back of your thigh and pull your leg towards you, keeping your leg straight. You should feel your hamstring stretch.

If you do not, make sure your back is still arched against the ground, and isn't curling. If you are able, get a friend to push gently on your heel to stretch your hamstring further, but be careful not to overstretch and cause injury.

Lower back/trunk

Your upper body gets a workout too when running, especially if you are carrying a pack or using poles. Stretch your slow back by lying on the floor, on your back.

Spread your arms out to either side, lift your leg up, cross it over the other side and press your foot the floor while keeping your shoulders flat on the ground. This twist should loosen your lower back and spine.

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