


Chinese envoy briefs UN member states on work of Security Council in face of COVID-19


發布於 2020年03月27日19:06

As president of the Security Council for March, China attaches great importance to the work of the council and has been working closely with other council members in addressing the challenges brought by the pandemic and discharging the council's responsibilities under the UN Charter.

UNITED NATIONS, March 27 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, in his capacity as president of the Security Council for the month of March, attended a virtual joint briefing by the UN principal organs to member states on COVID-19 response.

COVID-19 is posing huge challenges to the operation of UN organs, including the Security Council, which has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, said Zhang.

Photo taken on March 10, 2020 shows the visitors' entrance to the United Nations headquarters in New York. (Xinhua/Wang Jiangang)

As president of the Security Council for March, China attaches great importance to the work of the council and has been working closely with other council members in addressing the challenges brought by the pandemic and discharging the council's responsibilities under the UN Charter, he said.

The council has adjusted its work plan in a timely manner so as to proactively prevent and control risks of infection. It is actively exploring new working methods, including conducting meetings via video teleconference, he said.

Photo taken on March 10, 2020 shows the exterior of the United Nations headquarters in New York. (Xinhua/Wang Jiangang)

The council is working hard to carry out its duties by responding timely to hot-spot issues and, at the same time, to keep the transparency of its work, said Zhang.

President of the General Assembly Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, President of the Economic and Social Council Mona Juul, together with several senior officials of the UN Secretariat attended the joint briefing. UN member states participated and raised questions via the Internet.

(Article by Xinhua Reporter Shang Xuqian; Video by Xinhua Reporter Xie E)  

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