


China rejects any attempt to create so-called "new Cold War": FM


發布於 2020年08月05日13:17

File photo shows the national flags of China and the United States as well as flags of Washington D.C. on the Constitution Avenue in Washington, capital of the United States. (Xinhua/Bao Dandan)

BEIJING, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- China rejects any attempt to create a so-called "new Cold War," Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Wednesday.

Some American politicians who are biased against and hostile to China are using their power to smear China with fabrications and impede normal ties with China under various pretexts, Wang told Xinhua in an exclusive interview.

What they want is to revive McCarthyism in an attempt to undermine U.S. relations with China, stoke hostility between the two peoples, and erode trust between the two countries, Wang said.

"Ultimately, they want to drag China and the United States into renewed conflict and confrontation and plunge the world into chaos and division again," he added.

Noting China will not allow these people to get their way, Wang stressed that China rejects any attempt to create a so-called "new Cold War", because it contravenes the fundamental interests of the Chinese and American peoples and the global trend toward development and progress.

Anyone who tries to start a so-called "new Cold War" in the 21st century will be on the wrong side of history and will only be remembered as the one who has upended international cooperation, Wang said.

Today's China is not the former Soviet Union and China has no intention of becoming another United States, noted Wang.

As the world's largest developing country and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China will stay committed to peaceful development and to pursuing an opening-up strategy of mutual benefit, Wang stressed.

"China will continue to promote global peace and development and uphold the international order," he added. 

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