


K11 ARTUS: What's It Like Living at Asia's First Artisanal Home?

Home Journal

發布於 2022年06月29日10:17

Since opening its doors in 2019, K11 ARTUS is fast becoming a sought-after address among intellectuals and creatives passionate about art, culture and innovation. Here we caught up with Thierry Meier, one of its long-time residents to learn more about the living experience.

To put it lightly, Hong Kong’s had its ups and downs in the last two years, but one thing that’s shone above all else is the resilience of the luxury real estate industry and with it came a number of breathtaking boutique homes and hotels launching across the city.

An upscale residential component at Victoria Dockside, Hong Kong’s landmark art and design district, K11 ARTUS is designed as an urban sanctuary that’s worlds apart from the bustling city, where residents can completely decompress once they have arrived.

At Home Journal, we’re partial to all things design and this has really got us intrigued. Who better to ask than the people actually living there to learn about the unique experience?

A pilot by profession, Thierry Meier is one of the first residents at K11 ARTUS. He’s the man in the know and we’re delighted to speak with him about his resident experience and what it’s like living at the residence that’s equal parts homey and full of soul.

A pilot by profession, Thierry Meier has been living at K11 ARTUS since mid-2020.
A pilot by profession, Thierry Meier has been living at K11 ARTUS since mid-2020.

Hi Thierry, thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. Let’s kickstart the interview this way: If you could only use three words to describe living here, what would that be?

Thank you for having me! Chaleureux (meaning "warm" in French), convenient and relaxing are how I’d describe life at K11 ARTUS.

I know K11 ARTUS is not really a hotel or serviced apartment in the conventional sense, so what attracted you in the first place?

When I first came to HK, I chose to live on Hong Kong Island because I wanted to be in Central. But my apartment had no view. Later, I moved to Kowloon, which was nice but still didn’t feel quite right, like the absence of openable windows. That’s when I started to look for a new place.

This exterior architecture immediately caught my eyes. My father is an architect so I’ve developed a fond liking to beautiful architecture and buildings from an early age. I instantly hit the ground running and arranged a visit at the residence inside, and I was impressed by how everything is so nicely designed in terms of aesthetics and functions. It’s not super posh and fancy like some people might think it is, but a really well-designed, down-to-earth place that makes me feel like home.

From practical studios to one, two and three-bedroom apartments and three unique penthouses, each of the 287 residences at K11 ARTUS is fitted with all the home and hotel comforts you can think of, overlooking the awe-inspiring views across Victoria Harbour and the bustling cityscape.
From practical studios to one, two and three-bedroom apartments and three unique penthouses, each of the 287 residences at K11 ARTUS is fitted with all the home and hotel comforts you can think of, overlooking the awe-inspiring views across Victoria Harbour and the bustling cityscape.
The Living Salon is adorned with warm-toned décor and inspirational objets d’art.
The Living Salon is adorned with warm-toned décor and inspirational objets d’art.

The interiors of K11 ARTUS is absolutely stunning. What are your favourite spaces there?

I love the wrap-around balcony, the open kitchen filled with all the equipment you need and the washer/dryer machine for laundry. I can walk out to the balcony from every room and just sit outside and chill. I also love the relaxing atmosphere of being literally surrounded by the Victoria Harbour.

Oh and the amenities are wonderful too! I like that the pool, gym, library, lounge and the likes are not oversized – they give me the feeling of home. The gym is not super big and yet carries all the equipment I need, like a home gym. The same goes for the pool, it’s very nice and cozy. As much as it’s a cliche to say, this place really offers the best of both worlds: the feeling of being on holiday but at home at the same time.

The meticulously curated artwork collection is an essential part of the residence. Can you tell us a little more about this?

I know the art pieces very well but still find them compelling even to this day. The team here hosts an art tour that tells you all the stories behind each piece. There’s a new one that caught my attention recently. It’s a wool sculpture but it doesn’t look like wool at all. A very interesting piece that really inspires you on a daily basis. My only regret is that my wife isn’t able to visit me at the moment because of Covid. She’s an art addict so I’m sure she’ll love it here as much as I do!

The latest felted wool art piece by Jacqueline Kiyomi York.
The latest felted wool art piece by Jacqueline Kiyomi York.
The Library at K11 ARTUS is conceived as a serene space where residents can indulge in life's quieter moments.
The Library at K11 ARTUS is conceived as a serene space where residents can indulge in life's quieter moments.

Apart from the residence itself, what’s the best thing about living right at the heart of the landmark arts and cultural district in Hong Kong?

I’ve been living at K11 ARTUS since mid-2020 and it’s been wonderful. There’s always things to do when you’re living in the city centre. When I’m not working, I wake up late and it’s like I’m on vacation. After breakfast I go jogging along Avenue of Stars, take a Star Ferry ride and I’m a regular at the K11 MUSEA's exhibitions. I had a blast at last year's exhibition where they showcased the world’s most classic vintage cars!

What was your first impression of the residence and has it changed after you moved in?

Well, I felt at home right from the beginning and even more so now. The staff are friendly and helpful from my first day of moving in. When I first landed in Hong Kong, I had to quarantine in a designated hotel and the team helped organize everything before I arrived, like picking up my bags from somewhere else in advance.

When I did set foot in my apartment, everything was already taken care of. I can’t tell you how much ease of mind it gave me. The staff here is just amazing. They make me feel like a very close friend.

Learn more about K11 ARTUS here.


Address: K11 ARTUS, Victoria Dockside, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 2107 3388

Website: artus.com.hk

Email: info@artus.com.hk

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