


Confirmed coronavirus cases in Italy rises to 374, death toll at 12


發布於 2020年02月26日16:36

People wearing masks are seen in Milan, Italy, on Feb. 24, 2020. (Photo by Daniele Mascolo/Xinhua)

As of Wednesday, Italy has 374 confirmed coronavirus cases, with death toll rising to 12.

"The large majority of infected people is under home confinement," said the health ministry.

ROME, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- A total of 374 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Italy, Angelo Borrelli, chief of the Civil Protection Department and extraordinary commissioner for the coronavirus emergency, said on Wednesday.

It marked an increase of 52 cases compared to the previous day.

The number provided at midday included 12 fatalities, and one who fully recovered from the infection, according to the official.

"The large majority of infected people is under home confinement," the Health Ministry said in a statement.

According to the current rules adopted by the country, people are in quarantine at home when they test positive to novel coronavirus but present negligible symptoms, or no symptoms at all, and need no hospital treatment.

People wearing masks are seen in Milan, Italy, on Feb. 24, 2020. (Photo by Daniele Mascolo/Xinhua)

The latest victim registered was a 69-year-old man who died in central Emilia Romagna region, but coming from Lombardy's province of Lodi, and "suffering from previous respiratory diseases," according to Borrelli.

The cases were distributed across 23 Italian provinces, and mainly in the north of the country. Northern Lombardy and northeast Veneto, where the country's two hotbeds have been identified, still registered the highest number of cases -- 258 and 71, respectively.

Also in the north, Piedmont registered 3 cases, neighboring Liguria region 2, and one in Bolzaono in the northeast.

In central Italy, Emilia Romagna registered 30 cases overall, Lazio had three, Tuscany 2, and Marche one case. Three cases were detected in southern Sicily Island.

Speaking to local media, Lombardy official Attilio Fontana also confirmed four cases of infection among children in the region, which was included in the daily account.

Two of the children were already dismissed by hospital and place under home quarantine as they are in good health conditions. The other two were still undergoing medical checks, Fontana told all-new TV channel Sky TG24.  

A school is closed due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Milan, Italy, on Feb. 24, 2020. (Photo by Daniele Mascolo/Xinhua)■

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