英國女生Sarah本身的皮膚非常敏感,經常發炎、生粒粒,不過用過市面上防敏、天然的產品後都沒有改善,最後就決定自己皮膚自己救,成立Pai Skincare,主打配方最簡單的護膚品。對於初次接觸純素產品newbies來說,Pai是不錯的第一步,因為他們的產品好廣泛,由清潔至面霜、去角質至面膜,個個護膚步驟都有齊,可以完美配合大家的日常程序,就連Natalie Portman都在訪問中表示過是他們的支持者。另外,品牌的透明度好高,上網就可以看到產品整個成份表,方便大家查證。
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We ❤️ feedback, especially when it comes to our new consultation service. Thank you for sharing @jordanaclaudia!💝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "I spent 30 mins chatting with a skin specialist and she was so so helpful. I told her about the products I'm currently using and we also chatted about gut health, diet, exercise, different stress factors and how keeping a skin diary would be something smart to try! Especially if you have really fickle/sensitive skin. I currently use their Camellia Rose Cleanser and Rosehip Oil and was encouraged to try an additional 3 products. The Back to Life Hydration Serum for my crazy dry winter skin, Avocado & Jojoba Hydrating Day Cream for allllll the moisture and Perfect Balance Blemish Serum, because who doesn't love a good blemish serum in their skincare arsenal!? I've been trying these products for over a week now and I'm so in love with my new skincare routine. It's so simple and the products are clean, non-toxic and WORK. I would never share about a product unless it's been tried out and loved. If you're stumped when it comes to finding skincare that works, definitely book a free consultation! You even get 10% off your recommended products at the end of your call."⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #yourjourneystartshere #thepailife
A post shared by Pai Skincare (@paiskincare) on Feb 13, 2019 at 2:00am PST
與Pai有少少相反,美國的SkinOwl主打「less is more」,認為愛護環境就應該少製造多餘的東西,所以產品選擇較少,只有數種味道的精油、清潔液及番梘,不過全部都有好好的口碑,喜愛純素又簡約的朋友不妨一試。
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THE LIT FAM || Sunday night order of operations for glowing skin… . First, a five minute meditaysh with the help of our Beauty Steam Shot (shots now available on SkinOwl.com 🎉) . Cleanse - Charcoal Beauty Bar for exfoliation and balancing uneven texture and tone. . Oil - Geranium Beauty Drops for all over moisture, decongestion, and radiance boosting. . Sleep Mask - Maqui Berry Beauty Whip for a serious boost of radiance and a ‘morning after’ x-factor we can’t quite put into words. . ———— . Who’s in your SkinOwl ‘lit fam?’ 😂 || 📷 cc @nicolerodger
A post shared by SkinOwl (@skinowl) on May 20, 2018 at 8:31pm PDT
Elate Cosmetics來自加拿大,創辦人Melodie Reynolds本身是個化妝師,在行業內打滾得愈耐,她發現大部份的工具都為環境帶來好大傷害,盼望可以帶來一些新轉變。因此品牌除了以純素產品作招徠,亦會著重它們的包裝,例如用上公平貿易的無毒竹、二次使用的回收紙等,從內到外為地球出分力。
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"Our friend @angelas_styling_life says: 'Have I mentioned that I love @elatecosmetics ? I'm always on the lookout for new #greenbeauty brands to try, but Elate is a firm favourite. Not only can you refill the pallettes, they package many of their products in plantable seed paper! The extra attention to the details just makes every package from Elate special." We LOVE hearing how Elate fits into your beauty ritual! Tag us #loveelate to share your story! . . . #ownyourbeauty #loveelate #crueltyfree #greenbeauty #vegan #glutenfree #sustainableliving #toxinfreemakeup #currentlywearing #beauty #selflove #truebeauty #crueltyfreemakeup #cleanmakeup #lipstick #lowwaste #cleanbeauty #cleanmakeup #selfcare #sustainablebeauty #naturalbeauty
A post shared by Elate Cosmetics (@elatecosmetics) on Mar 25, 2019 at 6:52am PDT
純素雖然工夫較多,但價錢都可以好相宜,以美國著名的平價彩妝品牌E.L.F Cosmetics為例,3年前他們正式把所有產品變成純素,但大部份標價都仍繼續維持在$10美金以下,讓人人輕鬆負擔,接觸對自己身體好的產品。
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Spring is here and you know what that means! Replacing all the dark colors in your makeup bag with all the shades of pink. 😍💗
A post shared by e.l.f. Cosmetics (@elfcosmetics) on Mar 22, 2019 at 9:56am PDT
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