


GLOBALink | Chinese-aided agricultural project brings soymilk to Tanzanian villagers


發布於 2022年07月05日07:39 • Xie Hao,Liu Youmin,unreguser

DAR ES SALAAM, July 5 (Xinhua) -- Soymilk, a traditional Chinese drink that's rich in flavor and nutrition, is becoming an increasingly popular drink among Tanzanians in villages in the Morogoro region west of the East African nation's commercial capital Dar es Salaam.

The growing popularity of this new healthy drink has stemmed from a bilateral cooperative project in Tanzania, led by experts from the China Agricultural University (CAU).

The experts had decided to cooperate with the Morogoro authorities to promote the maize and soybean inter-planting project called "Small Bean and Big Nutrition."

Under the project, the experts in collaboration with the Morogoro authorities distributed soybean seeds to farmers in four villages in January this year and provided on-site guidance on planting and management techniques.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service

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