


China's Hubei to comb for patients with fever


發布於 2020年02月18日16:12

A resident takes body temperature check during a health screening campaign at Qingheju Community in Qingshan District of Wuhan, capital city of central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 18, 2020. (Xinhua/Cheng Min)

Hubei Province will take more thorough and forceful measures to find patients with fever in order to further contain the epidemic.

WUHAN, Feb. 18 (Xinhua) -- Central China's Hubei, the province worst-hit by the COVID-19 epidemic, will adopt more thorough and forceful measures to find patients with fever in order to further contain the epidemic.

According to a notice issued Tuesday by the province's epidemic control headquarters, Hubei will check records of all fever patients who have visited doctors since Jan. 20, as well as people who have bought over-the-counter cough and fever medications at both brick-and-mortar and online drug stores.

Those people will be visited for health check-ups and, if necessary, be put in quarantine or hospitalized, according to the notice.

Designated hospitals and fever clinics are required to earnestly implement real-name registration for fever patients and report relevant information on daily basis.

Buyers of cough and fever medications are required to show ID cards for real-name registration.

All neighborhoods in cities and rural villages will carry out door-to-door visits to look for fever patients, with results reported to the headquarters daily, said the notice.

Residents are encouraged to report information of untreated fever patients and misconduct in the work to treat patients and implement epidemic-control measures, it said.  ■

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