


Update: Official sacked following new confirmed COVID-19 cases in China's Wuhan


發布於 2020年05月11日10:18

A staff member disinfects students' luggage at Wuhan No. 6 High School in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, May 6, 2020. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu)

WUHAN, May 11 (Xinhua) -- An official has been sacked in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, after the city recently reported six new confirmed COVID-19 cases, local authorities said Monday.

Zhang Yuxin was removed from his posts for poor management over the closing-off and control of the Sanmin residential community, which is under the jurisdiction of Changqing Street, where Zhang served as secretary and member of the Changqing Street working committee of the Communist Party of China.

Wuhan reported a total of six new confirmed COVID-19 cases on Saturday and Sunday. All the patients are from the Sanmin residential community. The community had previously reported 20 confirmed COVID-19 cases.

According to Li Ping, director of the Dongxihu District Health Bureau, more than 20,000 people will undergo nucleic acid testing in batches. Among the people, over 5,000 are residents in and around Sanmin residential community, and the other 14,000 are from the nearby market named Duoluokou.

Residents of the Sanmin residential community finished testing Monday, and the others will be tested in the following days. 

Wuhan, once the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in China, has seen its urban life gradually return to normal since its lockdown was lifted one month ago after the epidemic ebbed. 

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