


Strict anti-epidemic measures for China's college entrance exam


發布於 2020年07月04日08:16

China is taking strict anti-coronavirus measures to ensure the safety and health of 10.71 million students for the national college entrance exam, starting July 7.

This year, 49,225 students in Beijing will take the national exam, also known as Gaokao, from July 7 to July 10 in 2,867 exam rooms in 132 schools across the city.

Although the number of examinees declined compared with last year, more exam rooms have been prepared to guarantee physical distancing.

All monitors and staff are required to take nucleic acid tests beforehand, and the health conditions of examinees are monitored 14 days ahead of the exam. Designated schools for Gaokao have also prepared necessary medical supplies, such as masks and disinfectant products, for students and monitors.

In addition, Beijing's municipal education commission asks all schools for Gaokao to have three backup exam rooms in case of emergency, and each school will have an expert from the municipal health commission, or the disease control and prevention institutions, to help intensify anti-epidemic preparation.

Students will have their temperatures taken before entering exam rooms and wear masks throughout the tests.

Apart from strict safety measures, psychological experts will be ready to help relieve stress and anxiety of students before the tests, said Jiang Yanfu with the League of Beijing No. 12 High Schools.

In central China's Hubei Province, a total of over 390,000 candidates and all monitors are required to have their body temperatures taken before entering the exam sites, and those with abnormal temperatures and symptoms of a cough will attend the tests in isolation rooms.

Hubei will also offer free masks for students who decide to wear masks during the two-day tests, while the provincial capital city of Wuhan has prepared 220,000 masks for its 59,000 candidates

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