


Hong Kong protests: elderly and infirm forced off trains as travel chaos returns to city and police fire tear gas in early clashes

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年11月12日03:11 • SCMP Reporters
  • Train services disrupted on serveral lines, forcing passengers to walk alongside tracks in some cases
  • Earlier police fired tear gas at City University campus in Kowloon Tong
Fire services aid a stranded commuter in Sha Tin, Hong Kong. Photo: Winson Wong
Fire services aid a stranded commuter in Sha Tin, Hong Kong. Photo: Winson Wong

Hong Kong's radical protesters have vowed to stage yet another campaign of citywide traffic disruption on Tuesday morning, after their actions on Monday sparked one of the most violent days of the anti-government movement, which is now entering its sixth month.

Monday's protests " in which they set up roadblocks on major thoroughfares, hurled objects onto train tracks and splashed buses with paint " paralysed roads and forced the closure of more than 20 railway stations throughout the day.

Also on Monday, a police officer shot a protester at close range, while a man was set on fire by protesters in what police have said was attempted murder.

Protesters have argued their actions would increase pressure on the government, but the city's leader Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor made it clear on Monday that it would be "wishful thinking" to believe the violence would force her administration to give in.

Follow our live coverage as the events unfold. Reporting by Sum Lok-kei, Lilian Cheng, Kathleen Magramo, Chan Ho-him, Karen Zhang and Phila Siu

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留言 8

  • Christopher
    They are rioters! Not protesters! You dumb ass media!
  • 😈尾國殺人放火金腰帶😇中國好人好事被插贓
    踢走暴力!踢走攬炒!踢走私了! 24號投票建制派,還一個和平、安寧、繁榮的香港!!!
  • novellahk
    And in time of conflict, the RIOTER has SET FIRE to MTR train carriage. I say the POLICE is absolutely right to tell people to get off the train. RUN, you don't what RIOTERS will do to YOU!
  • Karls 🐠
    This fucqing report intentionally blanked the gas bomb violence. Misleading. Nasty.
  • 😈尾國殺人放火金腰帶😇中國好人好事被插贓
    SOS!!!求救!!! 麻煩全世界、各國黑客們? 可否幫忙香港,救救香港? 可否幫忙香港對符連登網站? 感激不盡!!謝謝!!!