


Former U.S. diplomat says Pompeo's anti-China speech "primitive and ineffective"


發布於 2020年07月26日07:47

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks during a press briefing in Washington D.C., the United States, on March 5, 2020. (Xinhua/Liu Jie)

Pompeo's "angry lament" and "extended ideological rant" will achieve an opposite effect, Daniel Russel, former U.S. assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, told CNBC.

BEIJING, July 26 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's highly provocative China-smearing speech at the Presidential Library of Richard Nixon was "primitive and ineffective," a former U.S. diplomat has said.

Pompeo's "angry lament" and "extended ideological rant" will achieve an opposite effect, Daniel Russel, former U.S. assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, told CNBC on Friday.

The speech will only deepen anger at the United States, Russel said.

Speaking at the Presidential Library of Richard Nixon, the former U.S. president who pressed the start button to normalize relations with China about five decades ago, Pompeo on Thursday urged an end to the long-held engagement approach towards China and called for "a new alliance" to force China to change according to Washington's wishes.

"Complaining is not fixing and denouncing is not diplomacy," Russel said, adding Pompeo's remarks could worsen bilateral relations.  ■

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留言 4

  • J
    Agreed absolutely!
  • l love HK
    Pompeo this son of a bitch rascal dog of terror sponsoring state of evil cult America is a foolish hooligan yankee rubbish " Black Lives Matter "
  • 美國鬼等死, 欢迎广大的世界龙卷风 灭美国🤣🤔
  • happyprince
    “Complaining is not fixing...", but, Attacking would be the answer!