


Six people eaten by crocodiles in Tanzania's Ruvu River


發布於 2022年04月18日07:56 • ,

A crocodile is seen in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Feb. 10, 2022. (Xinhua/Xie Hao)

At least six people were attacked and eaten by crocodiles in the first three months of 2022 in Tanzania when they fetched water from the crocodile-infested Ruvu River.

DAR ES SALAAM, April 18 (Xinhua) -- At least six people have been eaten by crocodiles in the first three months of 2022 in Tanzania's Ruvu River in Kibaha district in Coast region, an official said on Sunday.

"The six victims were attacked and eaten by the crocodiles between January 2022 and March 2022," said Salum Bong'o, chairperson of Kimaramisale village in Dutumi ward.

Bong'o revealed the deadly attacks by the crocodiles in a meeting between Kimaramisale villagers and the Member of Parliament for Kibaha Rural constituency, Michael Mwakamo.

Bong'o, who explained that his father was one of the victims, said the six people were attacked and eaten by the crocodiles when they collected water from the crocodile-infested river.

The villagers urged the Wildlife Department in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism to harvest the crocodiles in the wake of the deadly attacks.

In his response, the lawmaker said the government was undertaking a water project in the area aimed at making villagers stop using water from the Ruvu River and avoid attacks by the reptiles. ■

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