


模範夫妻 David & Victoria Beckham 多年後依然恩愛如初!回顧碧咸夫婦的感情時間線

Vogue Hong Kong

更新於 2023年10月09日06:25 • 發布於 2023年10月09日06:17 • Vogue Hong Kong

最近在Netflix熱播的紀錄片《Beckham》帶領觀眾重溫了David Beckham的傳奇職業生涯,也再度將碧咸夫婦的故事搬至台前,從他們的視角出發,回憶這段始終備受關注的愛情。

Netflix紀錄片 《Beckham》令我們久違地從碧咸夫婦的視角出發了解這段被世界矚目的婚姻故事,包括轟動一時的「Beckingham Palace」婚禮、幾個孩子的相機誕生、舉家搬至美國⋯⋯此外,夫妻兩人也難得在鏡頭前對過去的種種非議做出回應,比如2004年的出軌事件。無論是否已經看完這套節目,以下為你整理碧咸夫婦的感情時間線,一起來重溫這段在萬眾目光下的堅貞愛情。

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這位在當時被曼聯拱為足球金童的David Beckham,與當時還是Spice Girls成員的Victoria Adams在一次慈善足球比賽時一見鍾情。好勝的Victoria時還對David Beckham說:「你最好敢不打電話給我,否則下次見到你我要踢爆你的*****(If you don’t ring me, I’m going to kick you in the b***s the next time I see you.)Victoria不知道,其實David Beckham早就在Spice Girls的音樂錄影帶中注意到她了。那個時後,David Beckham就告訴朋友們「我要娶Victoria」。

更可愛的是,Victoria Beckham回憶說,那個時後David Beckham將Vctoria給他的電話號碼寫在很多地方上,因為他很怕把電話號碼搞丟了!

Manchester United footballer David Beckham and Victoria Adams ( AKA 'Posh Spice') attend the Antonio Berardi fashion show held in London. (Photo by PA Images via Getty Images)
Manchester United footballer David Beckham and Victoria Adams ( AKA 'Posh Spice') attend the Antonio Berardi fashion show held in London. (Photo by PA Images via Getty Images)


一開始前三個月的交往完全沒有人知道。David Beckham回憶說,他們偷偷開著車到處約會,他還記得他們的初吻是在一間餐廳外面的停車場。1998年1月25日,David Beckham毫無預警地以一只3.5卡的Boodle & Dunthorne訂製梨形鑽戒向Victoria求婚。

儘管事後有很多版本說當時求婚其實沒有鑽戒,Victoria回憶說:「她只記得當時他們兩個像小孩子一樣,對於結婚這件事異常興奮。」與此同時,這年也是David Beckham的低谷期——在一場世界盃足球賽中英格蘭對抗阿根廷的世紀之戰,David Beckham在1/8決賽中紅牌離場,成為英格蘭的全民公敵,而當時陪在他身邊不離不棄的女友是Victoria。

Victoria Adams (Posh Spice) and David Beckham the Manchester United footballer leave the Hotel near Crewe today (Sunday) where the announcement of their future wedding was made. (Photo by John Giles - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)
Victoria Adams (Posh Spice) and David Beckham the Manchester United footballer leave the Hotel near Crewe today (Sunday) where the announcement of their future wedding was made. (Photo by John Giles - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)


1999年,正是David Beckham讓曼聯奪得三冠王,讓他從人人喊打的全民公敵重生為國家英雄的一年。而這年也開始奠定這對情侶檔出席活動的巨星身分,最讓人印象深刻的是他們兩個各自以一套Versace黑色皮革套裝相伴亮相。不過後來David Beckham在回憶錄裡笑說,回頭看這套裝扮,他真的不知道當時他們兩個在想什麼。

同年3月他們的第一個兒子布魯克林Brooklyn Beckham出生,命名以紀念他們在紐約布魯克林時得知懷孕的喜事。同年7月,Victoria身穿Vera Wang象牙白色婚紗嫁給David Beckham,兩人更在哈德福郡購買價值750萬英鎊的豪宅,被媒體稱為「Beckingham Palace」,自此,「碧咸」這個品牌誕生了。

This picture can only be used in the context of an editorial feature. Manchester United's David Beckham carries his son Brooklyn on his shoulders, as his side are crowned FA Carling Premiership Champions after their match against Tottenham Hotspur. * …at Old Trafford, Manchester. Final score : Manchester United 3, Tottenham Hotspur 1. 22/02/02 David and Victoria Beckham announced that they are expecting their second child in September. (Photo by Phil Noble - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)
This picture can only be used in the context of an editorial feature. Manchester United's David Beckham carries his son Brooklyn on his shoulders, as his side are crowned FA Carling Premiership Champions after their match against Tottenham Hotspur. * …at Old Trafford, Manchester. Final score : Manchester United 3, Tottenham Hotspur 1. 22/02/02 David and Victoria Beckham announced that they are expecting their second child in September. (Photo by Phil Noble - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)


2002年他們的第二個兒子Romeo Beckham在倫敦誕生,David Beckham在醫院外說:「成為父母是讓人既興奮又害怕的事,但這卻是世界上最美好的事,我們都很開心。」2003年David Beckham與西班牙皇家馬德里簽了一紙四年合約前往西班牙,而Victoria則留在英國照顧孩子並且努力自己的單飛歌唱事業。

NARITA, JAPAN - JUNE 18: English footballer David Beckham and his wife Victoria arrive at New Tokyo International Airport on June 18, 2003 in Narita, Chiba-Prefecture, Japan. The England mid - fielder Beckham 28, has ended weeks of speculation by agreeing personal terms on a four year contract from Manchester United to Spanish football giants Real Madrid, worth ?24.5m. (Photo by Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images).
NARITA, JAPAN - JUNE 18: English footballer David Beckham and his wife Victoria arrive at New Tokyo International Airport on June 18, 2003 in Narita, Chiba-Prefecture, Japan. The England mid - fielder Beckham 28, has ended weeks of speculation by agreeing personal terms on a four year contract from Manchester United to Spanish football giants Real Madrid, worth ?24.5m. (Photo by Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images).


在此期間,八卦小報爆料David Beckham與他在馬德里的助理蕾貝卡盧斯Rebecca Loos有染。英國媒體指稱,這是自戴安娜王妃之死後最撼動的媒體狂潮。僅僅一個星期,又有一位澳洲模特兒也出面指稱她與David Beckham的婚外情。

對於所有指控,David Beckham僅以一句「荒唐可笑」帶過,Victoria亦在紀錄片中回憶道:「這是我們婚姻中最艱難的時期,感覺全世界都在於我們為敵。坦承來講,我們也與彼此為敵。」David亦回憶道:「我們並沒有失去對方,而是有種窒息的感覺。」

Victoria Beckham and David Beckham during 19 Management Party At The Royal Albert Hall - Arrivals at The Royal Albert Hall in London, Great Britain. (Photo by Mike Marsland/WireImage)
Victoria Beckham and David Beckham during 19 Management Party At The Royal Albert Hall - Arrivals at The Royal Albert Hall in London, Great Britain. (Photo by Mike Marsland/WireImage)


David Beckham不再回應關於婚變的傳聞,並且在2月迎接第三個兒子Cruz。他驕傲地說:「他是漂亮,健康的孩子,他的媽媽非常好,所以我們是一個非常幸福的家庭,他的嘴唇和鼻子與Victoria如出一徹。」

LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 30: (L-R) Cruz Beckham, Victoria Beckham, David Beckham and Romeo Beckham attend the Los Angeles Lakers vs Dallas Mavericks game on October 30, 2009 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Noel Vasquez/Getty Images)
LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 30: (L-R) Cruz Beckham, Victoria Beckham, David Beckham and Romeo Beckham attend the Los Angeles Lakers vs Dallas Mavericks game on October 30, 2009 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Noel Vasquez/Getty Images)


2007年結束馬德里動盪不安的時期,David Beckham與美國洛杉磯銀河隊簽約,全家人移居荷里活。他們開始與荷里活名人結識,包括Tom Cruise和Will Smith。Victoria Beckham更參與了一個一小時的真人實境秀,內容有關他們來到美國的過程。2008年夫妻倆共同發表了同名香水,超完美現身的穿搭開始鞏固夫妻倆身為人生勝利組的時刻。

LOS ANGELES, CA - JULY 22: (L-R) David and Victoria Beckham pose for their welcoming party at the Museum of Contemporary Art's Geffen Warehouse on July 22, 2007 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Noel Vasquez/Getty Images)
LOS ANGELES, CA - JULY 22: (L-R) David and Victoria Beckham pose for their welcoming party at the Museum of Contemporary Art's Geffen Warehouse on July 22, 2007 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Noel Vasquez/Getty Images)

碧咸夫婦感情時間線:2011年愛女Harper誕生 生活漸入佳境

來到美國的碧咸夫婦似乎非常能夠適應。Victoria Beckham曾經在訪談中提到,他們和孩子們都很喜歡這裡,這裡的天氣很棒。然而更重要的是,Victoria Beckham認為,在美國男女平等,只有自己才是妳的事業阻礙,所以她開始自己的時尚品牌生涯。

2010年David Beckham在一場年度體育風雲人物領取終身成就獎時,感性發言說Victoria是他的靈感來源,Victoria因此熱淚盈眶。2011年小女兒Harper Beckham出生,成為兩人的心頭摯愛。

David Beckham曾經在自傳中說,他和Victoria是注定要在一起。自始至終,兩人的感情都被迫受到公眾的議論和質疑。想要經營美滿的家庭生活,他們需要付出比常人更多的努力和耐心。還記得2004年婚姻傳出危機時,David Beckham發表聲明說:「大家可以繼續傳不好的謠言,不過他和Victoria會永遠是夫妻,他們會永遠在一起。」而Victoria Beckham也持續超出大家的期待,成立自己的時尚品牌,並且野心勃勃地說,她要建立自己的時尚王國,成功與David Beckham共同擠進人生勝利組。

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 03: (L-R) Mia Regan, Romeo Beckham, Cruz Beckham, Harper Beckham, David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, Brooklyn Peltz Beckham and Nicola Peltz Beckham attend the Netflix 'Beckham' UK Premiere at The Curzon Mayfair on October 03, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 03: (L-R) Mia Regan, Romeo Beckham, Cruz Beckham, Harper Beckham, David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, Brooklyn Peltz Beckham and Nicola Peltz Beckham attend the Netflix 'Beckham' UK Premiere at The Curzon Mayfair on October 03, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images)


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