


Historical imprint of China-France civilization dialogue


發布於 05月05日10:08 • Chen Shaohua,Sun Shuo,Chen Shan,Wang Yanqing,Bai Xue,Hu Yuecong,Wang Yachen,Ma Zheng,Wang Pu,Zhang Baihui,Sun Xinjing,Zheng Tianhong,Huo Siying,Huang Guobao,Zhao Xu

"Confucius, or the Science of the Princes," is the first comprehensive introduction in French to Confucius's words and Confucianism in Europe.

On the evening of March 24, 2019, at the Villa Kerylos in Nice, France, Chinese President Xi Jinping received this book as a state gift from his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron.

As the book with a gilded spine unfolded, tales of Sino-European exchanges sparkled across the pages.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service■

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