


This Jewellery Designer Couple Share Their Life Lessons for 2022

Tatler Hong Kong

更新於 2022年01月10日03:27 • 發布於 2022年01月09日22:00 • Annie Darling

Based between Bangkok and Singapore, Nuttapon Yongkiettakul and Shar-Linn Liew are the couple behind fine jewellery label Kavant & Sharart, and they speak to Tatler about starting the new year with a fresh outlook.

Agamo ring (Photo: Kavant & Sharart)
Agamo ring (Photo: Kavant & Sharart)
Agamo earrings (Photo: Kavant & Sharart)
Agamo earrings (Photo: Kavant & Sharart)
Agamo bangle (Photo: Kavant & Sharart)
Agamo bangle (Photo: Kavant & Sharart)
Agamo pendant (Photo: Kavant & Sharart)
Agamo pendant (Photo: Kavant & Sharart)

Tell us something we don’t know about jewellery.

Lots of clients request gemstones of a specific origin because they think that country produces superior stones to others. For example, they might request a Burmese ruby because they assume they’re the best in the market. In actual fact, excellent rubies come from around the world, including Madagascar, Mozambique and, more recently, Greenland.

Who would you like to see wearing Kavant & Sharart?

Anna Wintour. We love her style.

What’s your favourite gemstone to work with?

Coloured sapphires because of their hardness and durability.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

Share your experiences with the people around you. It’s always important to hear different points of view.

Tell us about your latest collection, Agamo.

This line is inspired by agamography, images that change viewed from different angles, named after the Israeli sculptor Yaacov Agam.

What has 2021 taught you?

It has taught us to slow down and appreciate the things we take for granted.

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