


GLOBALink | Exploring Xinjiang specialities at 7th China-Eurasia Expo


發布於 2022年09月21日11:30 • Ding Jiangang,Deng Yushan,Li Xiang,Bai Zhiqiang,Pan Ying,Zhang Yuyang,Fang Junwei,Ding Lei,Guo Yan

URUMQI, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- Agricultural produce, handicrafts, and even skiing… Find out what's fun and stylish about Xinjiang at the 7th China-Eurasia Expo, currently underway in China's Urumqi.

Held both online and offline, the expo focuses on projects with market prospects, high technology and significant investment demand.

Covering an exhibition area of 40,000 square meters, the expo sets up three zones featuring themes including investment cooperation and commodity trade.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service

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