


Coronavirus: California monitors thousands as China cases fall with 327 new infections

South China Morning Post

發布於 2020年02月28日04:02 • Gigi Choy and Teddy Ng
  • More than 8,400 people in California are being checked after five cases are confirmed, one with no known origin of infection
  • South Korea, with 256 new infections, poised to exceed China’s numbers for second day
Pedestrians wear masks in downtown Tehran. Photo: AP
Pedestrians wear masks in downtown Tehran. Photo: AP

China reported a further drop in new infections on Friday morning, as concern mounted that the coronavirus outbreak is set to become a global pandemic, with California monitoring 8,400 people after confirming a case "of unknown origin" a day earlier.

South Korea, which reports 256 more cases " bringing its total number of infections to 2,022 " is poised to exceed China's daily infections for a second day.

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In China, the National Health Commission said there were 327 new cases " compared to 433 a day earlier " of which 318 had been reported in Hubei province, as of Thursday. Hubei's capital Wuhan continued to bear the brunt of the epidemic, with 313 of the new infections. The number of new infections outside Hubei dropped to nine, from 24 reported a day earlier.

The commission said 44 new deaths had been reported, bringing the toll to 2,788. There has now been a total of 78,824 infections on the mainland, with 36,117 people recovering from Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

California monitors thousands for infection

California health officials are monitoring more than 8,400 people amid concerns that the coronavirus is spreading among the general public for the first time in the US.

California Governor Gavin Newsom said on Thursday that 33 people in the state had tested positive for the virus. Five people who tested positive have since moved out of the state. One of those who contracted the virus had no history of travel to an affected area or of contact with someone who may have been infected.

US stocks fell " with the S&P 500 dropping more than 10 per cent since last Friday to enter a so-called market correction " on growing fears over the spread of the coronavirus outside China. All three major US indices " S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq " plunged for six straight days, and are on track for their steepest weekly fall since the 2008 global financial crisis.

US reports first drug shortage related to Covid-19

The US has its first outbreak-related drug shortage, according to a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) statement published on Thursday.

The manufacturer of an unnamed human medication that was recently added to the FDA drug shortages list told the agency the shortage was related to a site affected by the virus.

"The shortage is due to an issue with manufacturing of an active pharmaceutical ingredient used in the drug. It is important to note that there are other alternatives that can be used by patients," the notice said. "We will do everything possible to mitigate the shortage."

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The FDA said it had been in touch with more than 180 makers of human medications and identified about 20 other drugs which source their active pharmaceutical ingredients or finished products solely from China. The agency said none of these firms had reported any shortage to date.

Tokyo closes Disney resorts

The operator of Tokyo's two Disney resorts " Disneyland and DisneySea " said on Friday the parks would be closed for around two weeks due to fears over the coronavirus outbreak.

The Japanese government is stepping up measures to tackle the virus, which has been linked to at least four deaths in the country and nearly 200 infections.

On Thursday night, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe urged schools across the country to close for around a month, though nurseries and after-school clubs are exempt. The government has also urged people to work from home and commute during off-peak hours, as well as to avoid large gatherings.

BTS cancels Seoul show as South Korea cases soar

With 256 new cases on Friday, South Korea's total number of infections reached 2,022 " the highest in the world outside China.

K-pop boy band BTS cancelled its scheduled April concert in Seoul amid growing concerns over the outbreak which has so far claimed 13 lives. According to the band's label Big Hit Entertainment, the "Map of the Soul" show had been due to play at the capital's Jamsil Olympic Stadium on April 11, 12, 18 and 19.

The Korea Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said 182 of the new cases were in the southeastern city of Daegu, location of a church at the centre of South Korea's outbreak.

Iran situation worsens

Iran reported the highest number of new infections in a single day on Thursday, with one of its vice-presidents among those to fall ill, and one of the country's most respected theologians is reported to have died from the disease.

Health ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour said the 106 new cases brought the country's tally to 245 since Iran announced its first infections on February 19. Among the latest sufferers is one of Iran's seven vice-presidents, Masoumeh Ebtekar, who oversees women's affairs and is the highest-ranking woman in the government.

Iranian vice-president Masoumeh Ebtekar is one of the country's latest patients confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus. Photo: Xinhua
Iranian vice-president Masoumeh Ebtekar is one of the country's latest patients confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus. Photo: Xinhua

Ebtekar was the spokeswoman for the students during the Iran hostage crisis, when a group of Iranian revolutionary college students seized the US Embassy in Tehran, taking Americans inside hostage, in November 1979.

The epidemic has cost 26 lives in Iran. According to media reports, among the deceased in Qom on Thursday was theologian Hadi Khroroshahi, who in 1981 was named Iran's first ambassador to the Vatican.

First case in the Netherlands

A Dutch person with a travel history to the Lombardy region of Italy has become the first patient to be infected with the coronavirus in the Netherlands. The 56-year-old man is in quarantine.

So far 17 people have died in Italy and 650 have been infected, in Europe's biggest coronavirus outbreak.

"To prevent the sickness from spreading further in the Netherlands, (public health authorities) … will trace who has had close contact with the infected patient," said the Dutch National Institute for Public Health in a statement.

In Africa, Nigeria has reported its first case of the disease.

Hong Kong dog tests positive

The pet dog of a Hong Kong Covid-19 patient has tested "weak positive" for the new coronavirus.

The city's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said in a statement on Friday the dog had not shown any symptoms and there was no evidence to suggest pets could contract the coronavirus or be a source of infection in people.

Coronavirus: dog of Hong Kong patient tests 'weak positive' for virus

It said more tests would be conducted to confirm if the dog had really been infected with the virus or if there had been environmental contamination of its mouth and nose.

A department spokesman said infected patients were strongly advised to put their mammalian pets under quarantine to ensure public and animal health.

Additional reporting by Reuters, Agence France-Presse

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