


Hong Kong sex attacker who claimed woman’s aborted baby could be reincarnated through intercourse jailed for 38 months

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年09月17日13:09 • Brian Wong brian.wong@scmp.com
  • Mickey Fung, 40, posed as religious figure and told victim the sexual acts would bring back the souls of her aborted child and late mother
  • Repeat sex offender and fraudster also conned sales assistant into giving him more than US$13,600
Sexual predator Mickey Fung was jailed on Friday after admitting several charges of procuring unlawful sexual acts, theft and fraud. Photo: Fung Chang
Sexual predator Mickey Fung was jailed on Friday after admitting several charges of procuring unlawful sexual acts, theft and fraud. Photo: Fung Chang

A serial fraudster has been jailed for more than three years for duping a saleswoman into having sex with him and bilking her out of HK$106,500 (US$13,600) by impersonating a Thai Buddhist master.

Mickey Fung Tin-ho, also known as Fung Chun-kit, told the 24-year-old victim the sexual acts were necessary to cleanse her body so he could reincarnate her aborted baby and late mother, the District Court heard.

The 40-year-old con artist also tricked the woman into renting a van for him to "collect the remnants of their souls". He further claimed he could keep their souls inside the smartphones he made her buy for him.

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Sentencing Fung to 38 months in prison on Tuesday, District Judge Eddie Yip Chor-man said Fung, who committed the present offences while he was on bail for two other unnamed cases, had not learned his lesson after he was convicted of a raft of charges spanning two decades, including theft, fraud and unlawful sex with underage girls.

Fung, a former financial broker, admitted three counts of procuring unlawful sexual acts, 15 of theft and one of fraud, which he committed over a two-week period in August and September last year.

He introduced himself to the woman, who was working at a mobile phone accessories store and later lost her job, by posing as a Thai Buddhist master who was able to reincarnate the souls of the deceased.

Between August 24 and September 7 last year, Fung conned the woman into offering him money via bank transfers, cash deposits and topping up his electronic wallet on 13 separate occasions.

He claimed he needed to build an artificial tree made of Thai baht currency and create a golden sculpture of her deceased mother for the purported rituals.

A District Court judge on Tuesday said Fung targeted his victim to 'satisfy his needs'. Photo: SCMP
A District Court judge on Tuesday said Fung targeted his victim to 'satisfy his needs'. Photo: SCMP

Fung also lured her into surrendering her smartphones and gold jewellery as part of the supposed religious ceremonies.

Meanwhile, he claimed the woman needed to engage in sexual acts with him so as not to taint the "rituals". She agreed and had sex with him three times at two hotels in Tsuen Wan.

After his arrest on September 19, he told police he had spent all the cash he obtained from the woman either directly or by selling her belongings.

The sex offender also confessed he had gained the woman's trust by claiming he was asked by her late mother to take care of her.

(The defendant) knew the victim was not rich, but still exploited her savings and even lured her into making personal loans in order to further satisfy his needsDistrict Judge Eddie Yip

He had warned her to keep their relationship a secret, otherwise the "rituals" would be unsuccessful and bad luck would befall those who knew the truth.

Explaining his decision on sentence, Yip said the defendant had posed as a religious master and a brotherly figure of the victim and the continuous nature of offending was an aggravating factor.

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"(The defendant) knew the victim was not rich, but still exploited her savings and even lured her into making personal loans in order to further satisfy his needs," Yip said.

In a previous hearing in August, the court heard the victim suffered from post-traumatic symptoms and was afraid of making contact with male customers. She was eventually fired last month due to poor performance.

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