


Bruce Lee wannabe breaks bricks in training video before MMA fighter breaks his face in 12-second KO

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年08月22日07:08 • Nick Atkin nicolas.atkin@scmp.com
  • ‘I will break you like I broke this brick,’ says wing chun ‘master’ in trash-talk training video
  • But Tan Long’s bravado is thrown back in his face – quite literally – by a couple of vicious head kicks in 12-second KO
The ‘fake Bruce Lee’ Tan Long shows off the bricks he broke in training (left) before his bout against MMA fighter Xuan Wu. Photos: YouTube/Fight Commentary Breakdowns
The ‘fake Bruce Lee’ Tan Long shows off the bricks he broke in training (left) before his bout against MMA fighter Xuan Wu. Photos: YouTube/Fight Commentary Breakdowns

In Enter The Dragon, Bruce Lee uttered the famous words "boards don't hit back". But someone forgot to tell a Chinese wing chun "master" who seemingly idolises the Hong Kong martial arts legend.

Tan Long went viral this week for his 12-second knockout at the hands of Chinese MMA fighter Xuan Wu " a friend of Xu Xiaodong, who has made it his mission to expose "fake kung fu".

What's more, Tan was dressed in the Game of Death star's iconic yellow jumpsuit, with the wannabe Bruce Lee even trying one of his idol's trademark flying kicks at the start of the fight in Yinchuan's Xixia Wanda Plaza.

What happens when Bruce Lee jeet kune do disciple in jumpsuit meets 'Muay Thai' fighter in the ring?

Now a new video has revealed Tan's hilarious "training" regime ahead of the bout, as well as his initial challenge to Xuan Wu.

Tan shows off his supposed skills with the "nunchucks", a traditional martial arts weapon, in what seems like his basement, before using it to smash a couple of bricks on the stairs.

Tan Long breaks a brick with nunchucks.
Tan Long breaks a brick with nunchucks.

The use of strength to break bricks and boards is a staple of traditional martial arts, but the real Lee knew it meant nothing.

Lee's jeet kune do style of martial arts blended parts of multiple different disciplines to create a stronger whole skill set " something that helped earn him the nickname of "the godfather of MMA".

That obviously didn't stop Tan, though. "I will break you like I broke this brick," he says to Xuan Wu in the video, which was originally posted on Chinese social media. "I'm going to demonstrate for wing chun."

Tan Long trash talks Xuan Wu at the weigh-in.
Tan Long trash talks Xuan Wu at the weigh-in.

He then claims he will put up one million yuan for the fight, but there is no evidence he actually paid this money out to Xuan Wu. Tan finishes his trash talking with a Bruce Lee-style pose and scream.

"This is just a Chinese Charlie Zelenoff," wrote one commenter on the YouTube video, which was posted by Fight Commentary Breakdowns.

The comment was in reference to an American internet troll who challenged heavyweight king Deontay Wilder at the boxer's gym " and received an almighty beating.

Xuan Wu lands a kick to Tan Long's face, and it's all over.
Xuan Wu lands a kick to Tan Long's face, and it's all over.

"Bruce Lee trained 12 hours every day … this guy trains 12 donuts every day," said another.

"Very good … but bricks don't hit back," wrote one user, paraphrasing Lee's words and another immortal line from Bloodsport.

More footage from the weigh-in before the fight shows Tan cockily strutting around on stage as he tells Xuan Wu "I'm gonna teach you a lesson" before shoving him.

The referee pushes Xuan Wu away after he knocks out Tan Long.
The referee pushes Xuan Wu away after he knocks out Tan Long.

Xuan Wu doesn't take kindly to the provocation and pushes him back " much harder " and the two men have to be broken up (which was probably a good thing for Tan, in hindsight).

Sadly for Tan, there was no one there to hold Xuan Wu back when they finally got in the ring inside the Chinese shopping mall.

Tan's hilarious jump front kick at the start of the fight fails to land, and Xuan Wu's two vicious head kicks quickly end the contest.

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