


What’s In Their Shopping Cart? 5 Things Evelyn Choi Is Buying This Week

Tatler Hong Kong

更新於 2022年01月03日10:29 • 發布於 2022年01月05日01:00 • Tara Sobti

Social media darling Evelyn Choi has an Instagram page to die for. If you’re ever in need of a fashion inspiration, you can always count on Choi to deliver in spades. Her jet-setting lifestyle (pre-Covid-19, of course) saw her globe-trotting around the world for film releases, including The Seventh Lie and Once Upon a Song, as well as shooting advertising campaigns for some of the world’s leading brands. Catch a taste of her style below in this week’s edition of what’s in their shopping cart?

Jewellery, Bulgari

(Photo: Bulgari)
(Photo: Bulgari)

“It’s simple with delightful details and can match different styles of fashion.”

Shop Now

Shoes, Tods

(Photo: Tods)
(Photo: Tods)

“This is a winter must-have: it can match with jeans, a skirt or a dress. You can also wear this with long socks or tights.”

Shop Now

Denim jeans, Miu Miu

(Photo: Miu Miu)
(Photo: Miu Miu)

“If you want to be the shiniest person in the room, you need to get these jeans.”

Shop Now

Bag, Gucci

(Photo: Gucci)
(Photo: Gucci)

“Who can say no to this? It’s the ‘it’ bag of the year.”

Shop Now

Bag, Chanel

(Photo: Chanel)
(Photo: Chanel)

“It’s an iconic pattern with a fun design. The scarf tie with the bag is super eye-catching.”

Shop Now



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