


The way protest anthem Glory to Hong Kong, No. 1 city music video of 2019 on YouTube, was created mirrors the protest movement’s leaderless culture

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年12月06日16:12 • Jack Lau jack.lau@scmp.com
  • Glory to Hong Kong, uploaded on September 11, was the most viewed local YouTube music video in Hong Kong this year
  • Its composer posted a first draft online in a protest forum, where others suggested changes; the song became so popular multiple versions were recorded
Protest songs such as Glory to Hong Kong have topped this yea’s YouTube music video charts in Hong Kong. Photo: YouTube
Protest songs such as Glory to Hong Kong have topped this yea’s YouTube music video charts in Hong Kong. Photo: YouTube

Songs with a protest-related theme were among the most viewed local YouTube music videos in Hong Kong this year, with the orchestral rendition of protest anthem Glory to Hong Kong topping the video-sharing site's chart.

The rousing performance features black-clad musicians, wearing gas-masks and helmets, performing and singing as smoke billows. Dramatic images of the pitched battles between protesters and police are spliced in. The video has had 3.6 million views since its upload on September 11.

The song " which speaks of struggle, solidarity and freedom " quickly became one of the unofficial anthems of the city's protest movement, which began against a now-withdrawn extradition bill that would have allowed criminal suspects to be deported to mainland China, among other regions that Hong Kong does not have such an agreement with.

The video's producers remain anonymous, fearing reprisals from the government and police.

A still from Glory to Hong Kong. Photo: YouTube
A still from Glory to Hong Kong. Photo: YouTube

"The fear of white terror (acts made to create a climate of fear) is to an extent that, even if I go by a fake surname, I worry about causing trouble for others who actually have that surname," one of the video directors told the Post earlier.

How the song came into being in many ways mirrors the decentralised nature of the protest movement that has rocked Hong Kong for the past six months.

Its composer, who goes by pseudonym "thomas dgx yhl", published the music in August on LIHKG, an online forum popular with protesters. He also posted the first draft of the lyrics, which he said were inspired by the works of Lu Xun, a prominent Chinese writer in the Republican era, and renowned Tang dynasty poet Li Bai.

It became one of the top posts on LIHKG as users chimed in on how the lyrics and the key could be improved.

Some 20 forum members went into the studio a few days later to record the first version of Glory to Hong Kong, Thomas told local online media outlet The Stand News.

10 most viewed YouTube videos in Hong Kong in 2019 revealed

A hundred and fifty musicians later volunteered to perform on the orchestral version of Glory to Hong Kong that topped the local YouTube chart.

The song became so popular that a number of variations were produced, including one using Chinese orchestral instruments and another on acoustic guitars.

A parody by a pro-Beijing group led by controversial lawmaker Junius Ho Kwan-yiu was also uploaded on YouTube in September, only to be taken down after a label associated with singer and democracy activist Denise Ho Wan-sze claimed copyright to the music.

A still from W.T.F.H.K. Photo: YouTube
A still from W.T.F.H.K. Photo: YouTube

Two other protest music videos, W.T.F.H.K. and Flying With You, ranked in sixth and eighth place, respectively, in the Hong Kong YouTube top 10 songs, announced on Thursday, with about 1.6 million views each.

Local hard-core rap group LMF penned the profanity-laden W.T.F.H.K. as a harsh criticism of the Hong Kong government, with lyrics accusing the authorities of funding "meaningless" infrastructure projects and colluding with business elites.

Uploaded on YouTube in April, before the pro-democracy protests began, W.T.F.H.K. was later re-appropriated as a protest theme song.

A still from Flying With You. Photo: YouTube
A still from Flying With You. Photo: YouTube

Written and arranged by "Hongkonger", Flying With You alludes to the slogan that prompted some 15,000 protesters to stage a sit-in at Hong Kong International Airport in July. From sleepless nights to unanswered calls for democracy, the pop song talks to the desperation many protesters have felt during the unrest, which has passed the six-month mark.

YouTube's top trending local music videos of 2019 also include Canto-pop singer Kayee Tam Ka-yee's Can You Hear, which ranks second and was featured in TVB medical drama Big White Duel.

Love in Troubled Times, by veteran singer Leo Ku Kui-kei and featuring actor Nancy Wu Ting-yan, ranked fourth, followed by We Grew This Way by Sammi Cheng Sau-man in fifth place.

The mash-up of Actually Lonely and Lonely is Like by Juno Mak Chun-lung and Kay Tse On-kei ranked seventh, with rock band Dear Jane's 2048 and Canto-pop singer Hins Cheung King-hin's Empty Hands taking the ninth and 10th slots.

Copyright (c) 2019. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.

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留言 3

  • Money is the leader FIY As all these masked cockroach rioters and all rubbish mstudents leaders also triads , falun gong and pam democrats are paid dogs of America and many girls are supplied to them as whores They are all useless for society and no mercy for any one of them as they are arsonists and terrorists Support Hong Kong Police Let them go to jail amd suffer or die tjere than these hooligans will know Support Hong
  • Tak
    5 Demands Not 1 Less!
  • 1098tin
    中国人民就是因为相信香港才有一国两制!这是中西文化的文明冲突。 大陆同胞来香港是买大陆产品吗?还是买外国产品吧,所以一定要外资在报纸发声明支持或反对。 选举有不同的制度,美国是选举人制。香港选举应该把选举提名权与选举投票权分开,由小圈子选举出特首提名官员执政2年试用期后由选民一人一票普选特首。百分之五十一赞同的被提名人就是人民受权的! 人民受权就是普世价值!!!!!一党执政或是多党轮流执政都不是普世价值。 在立法局选举之前3至6个月前香港暴乱分子和香港四人帮一定会再次暴乱!! 13亿中国人民要求中国政府收回给香港十大权力!①东江水只优惠中国香港人,每个有回乡证中国香港人每月有20元优惠券一家4人一年有960元。②收回地租管理权在香港成成立慈善基金,对有回乡证香港家庭有困难每月补助1千元。③关闭美国驻香港领事馆让他搬到澳门或珠海。④香港解放军在星期六日用个人名义到香港大中小学义务军训。⑤在深圳珠海设香港工业区由香港政府管理解决中国香港人的工作居住生活的问题。⑥。。。。。。。。。。