


GLOBALink | Panda family's "nanny daddy" in Malaysia


發布於 2022年09月06日09:03 • unreguser,Zhu Wei,unreguser

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- Akmal Hadi Bin Samsuddin is a 38-year-old giant panda keeper at Zoo Negara, Malaysia's National Zoo. He has been taking care of pandas at the zoo for about eight years.

Taking care of giant pandas is probably one of the most enviable jobs in the world. However, it requires a lot of hard work.

Keeping the panda house clean is only the first step. A regular health check on the giant pandas is also conducted every day.

Besides, the keepers need to prepare fresh food for these cute animals.

There are four giant pandas living at Zoo Negara. They are a pair of panda couples and their two daughters.

The work here is getting more laborious with the newborns. But Akmal loves being with these adorable animals.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service

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