


Update: China's Hubei revises up coronavirus cases number


發布於 2020年02月21日07:10

Shoes of medical workers are arranged orderly at Guanggu area of Wuhan-based Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 20, 2020. (Xinhua/Cai Yang)

Hubei reports 631 new confirmed cases after the revision.

WUHAN, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- Hubei Province, center of the novel coronavirus outbreak, reported 631 new confirmed cases and 115 new deaths Thursday, according to the provincial health commission Friday.

The commission revised up the number of confirmed cases by 220.

The commission said on Thursday night, it received written reporting of 271 confirmed cases from the province's prison system that is not connected to the infectious diseases online reporting system.

After further check and verification, it found 51 cases have been counted in the earlier figure and the rest 220 cases were not counted. The prison system also had 10 suspected cases.

After the revision, the total confirmed cases in the hard-hit province had reached 62,662. Wuhan, the provincial capital, recorded a total of 45,346 confirmed cases.

The province also saw 1,451 patients discharged from hospital after recovery on Thursday, bringing the total number of discharged patients in the province to 11,788.

Among the 42,056 hospitalized patients, 8,979 were still in severe condition and another 2,018 in critical condition.  ■

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