


Georgian PM meets Chinese FM on sidelines of UNGA session


發布於 2022年09月22日14:31 • Guo Yage

NEW YORK, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili met here with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday on the sidelines of the ongoing 77th session of the UN General Assembly.

Noting that Georgia and China are reliable friends and partners to each other, Garibashvili said Georgia appreciates China for its help in the country's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and will continue to adhere to the one-China principle and uphold justice on China-related issues.

Georgia admires China for achieving impressive development achievements, which have greatly improved the people's well-being, supports and actively participates in the Belt and Road cooperation, and looks forward to fully utilizing its geographical advantages so as to develop regional cooperation corridors, he said.

Noting the smooth implementation of the China-Georgia Free Trade Agreement, the prime minister said Georgia welcomes China's investment in the country, and will facilitate Chinese enterprises' doing business in Georgia.

Garibashvili said Georgia pursues practical and constructive policies, is committed to safeguarding the long-term peace and stability of the region, and does not favor the arbitrary imposition of unilateral sanctions.

For his part, Wang noted that the two countries celebrated together the 30th anniversary of their diplomatic ties in June.

The key to the successful bilateral relationship lies in the unwavering mutual trust and mutual assistance between the two countries, as well as the accommodation of each other's major concerns on multilateral occasions, he said.

Wang said he hopes that both sides can work together to carry forward the traditional friendship between the two countries, and bring bilateral relationship to a maturer, stabler, more practical and more efficient level.

China supports Georgia's unique and important role in maintaining regional peace, and appreciates Georgia for actively promoting the Belt and Road cooperation, Wang said.

China stands ready to strengthen the synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the "Middle Corridor" vision in an effort to pool more global consensus, seize new opportunities to build a healthy Silk Road, a green Silk Road and a digital Silk Road, and create new growth drivers for mutually beneficial cooperation based upon the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, he said.

Wang said China encourages competent and willing Chinese companies to invest in Georgia and participate in the construction of special economic zones or industrial parks in the country.

China is willing to strengthen bilateral cooperation in such areas as ports, energy and 5G, and fully tap the potential of bilateral cooperation in such fields as education, culture, science, technology, and sports, so as to push for continuous new achievements in the development of bilateral relations, he added. ■

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