


COVID-19 pandemic highlights urgency to build community with shared future, says French expert


發布於 2020年05月26日06:03

Medical workers attend a training session provided by Chinese doctors and medical experts on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 among pregnant women and children through a teleconference at Maputo Central Hospital (HCM) in Maputo, Mozambique, on May 21, 2020. (Xinhua/Nie Zuguo)

"Faced with economic or health crises, the international cooperation and mutual aid work effectively. More than ever, we are invited to build 'a community with a shared future,'" said Pierre Picquart, a China expert at the University of Paris VIII.

PARIS, May 26 (Xinhua) -- The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the urgency to build a community with a shared future for mankind, an initiative China put forward for the peace and well-being of humanity, said Pierre Picquart, a China expert at the University of Paris VIII.

Picquart made the remarks to Xinhua when commenting on the press conference by Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, which was broadcast live on Sunday.

"Wang Yi said brilliantly that the Chinese diplomacy will continue to move forward despite COVID-19," noted Picquart, adding he was particularly impressed by the Chinese foreign minister's remarks on how China activated "cloud diplomacy" in the past months and how the Chinese diplomatic service envisions adapting to the new normal of COVID-19 response and focusing on five priorities.

"Wang Yi stressed the international role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in global health problems, saying that supporting the WHO is supporting saving lives," said the French expert. "The most important thing is that the life and health of people in different countries has never been so closely linked."

A China-Europe freight train, also the "China Post" CR Express 1st block train, is ready to depart from Tuanjiecun Station in Chongqing, southwest China, April 3, 2020. The relief supplies and parcels carried by the train will be transferred to 36 European countries such as Spain, Denmark and France. (Xinhua/Tang Yi)

"By supporting a peaceful development and win-win cooperation, China has promoted international organizations, security, the environment, economic progress, the well-being of peoples, modernization of infrastructure, global trade and development of the whole world. China has promoted world peace and multilateralism," said Picquart.

"All these ideas aimed at building a peaceful world, win-win cooperation and multilateralism find their origin in the Chinese tradition and that of a humanist China," he added.

"China's commitment to building a community with a shared future for mankind is one of the most beautiful philosophical concepts, and a magnificent Chinese initiative for the peace and well-being of peoples in history of humanity," he said.

Whether it is the COVID-19 health crisis or the complex international situation, the concept of global mutual assistance and community of shared future is useful to the whole world, he added.

Picquart listed partnership networks, donations of masks and medical equipment, cooperation in scientific research, sharing of health data and sending of Chinese medical teams to other countries as examples, achievements and demonstrations that benefit peoples around the world.

People unload medical materials donated by China in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, on April 23, 2020. (Photo by Jeffrey Wong/Xinhua)

"This shows that, in an economic globalization characterized by solidarity, openness, inclusion, universality, balance and the win-win principle, it is possible to remedy the problems of humanity. Faced with economic or health crises, the international cooperation and mutual aid work effectively. More than ever, we are invited to build 'a community with a shared future,'" he said.

Picquart also stressed that the WHO has played a central role in coordinating global public health efforts, in particular during the coronavirus pandemic.

"Countries that have taken the recommendations of WHO seriously and well in their fight against the virus have managed to effectively control the situation, while those who have neglected them have paid a heavy price," he said.

Deeming mutual aid, solidarity and cooperation as the only way for the international community to overcome the pandemic and save the planet, Picquart said this global public health crisis shows the need and urgency to build and promote "a community with a share future."  ■

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