


Riot police advance on extradition bill protesters and warn they will start clearance operation in Central and at Beijing’s liaison office

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年07月21日13:07 • SCMP reporters
  • Crowds use barricades to block thoroughfares and some throw eggs at building
  • Thousands spill past mandated end point of shortened march

More than 3 1/2 hours after the start of a major march against Hong Kong's now-suspended extradition bill, riot police are closing in on protesters in Central and crowds who have surrounded Beijing's liaison office.

The Civil Human Rights Front, the organiser for the march, said 430,000 people attended.

Crowds had advanced beyond the original police-mandated end point at Wan Chai to Queensway and Central, where they began occupying main thoroughfares of Connaught Road Central and Connaught Road West, blocking vehicles from getting through and putting up wooden barricades. Another group of protesters advanced towards the liaison office.

Demonstrators also gathered outside the Court of Final Appeal, the initial finishing point of the march organisers had pushed for but police disallowed.

By 7pm, crowds reached Beijing's liaison office in Sai Ying Pun. No police were seen guarding the building but a number of security guards were inside.

Follow our live blog below for the latest updates by our reporters Kimmy Chung, Nectar Gan, Phila Siu, Sue Su, Sum Lok-kei and Victor Ting.

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